One of the greatest empowerment tools that you can have in your daily life is to be able to test your own energy.
The first and most important understanding is that energy testing is a process of communication. Self-testing is an art that, in most cases, you acquire through practice and developing a language of communication with your body.
Your energy fields are continually changing. They are a marvellous dance of dynamism. When you think of something joyful your energy fields shift and change, when you think of something sad, your energy fields shift and change; you are essentially dynamic. And it is exactly this dynamism that you are working with to communicate the overall needs/balances/imbalances of your energy system when you are self-testing. Thus, if my overall energy is doing OK and I bring some food into my system that is detrimental to me (i.e that my energy cannot assimilate or metabolise) then my whole energy system will fluctuate and actually become less-energised. If I self-test at this time with focused and non-biased intent then this will be communicated by the energy test indicating a weakened energy state.
There are three general ways to self-test;
Using a sway test
Using a muscle test
Using a pendulum (dowsing)
In this article I will be concentrating on how to self-test food using a sway test, but first it is important to energetically set yourself up so that there is a greatly reduced chance of inaccuracy in your testing. There are a few key things that can seriously compromise your energy systems
The first is not being grounded so if you are learning to self-test or if you are someone who struggles with being grounded then read my blog about grounding first and try the exercises I share.
The second situation that can compromise your energy system, and thus the effectiveness of the self-testing, is if your body is dehydrated. You are probably aware of how water conducts electricity (precisely the reason we don’t balance an electric radio on the edge of the bathtub!), well, you need good conductivity of your electrical energy systems in order use energy-testing. It is a good idea to drink water prior to self-testing so that you rule out dehydration as a possible negative influence on the accuracy of your testing,
It is also a great idea to make sure your energy is crossing over before you begin - you can watch a video of me explaining this and try the exercise to ensure your energies are crossing over effectively.
So, once you have been through this pre-steps, get into a centred and balanced standing position. Do not be right against a wall as, with this test, your body is going to sway either forwards or backwards depending on the results of the self-test.
Take a few breaths in this position so that you can really feel your balance. Have the intention of being really grounded and yet really light within your own centre of gravity. Self-testing using the sway test can be difficult if you are feeling ‘rigid’ within your body frame.
Take the food that you are wanting to test and hold it on your solar plexus (just below where the ribs meet in the middle).
Bring your consciousness to being open to whatever information your whole-body system will show you. Do not bring a bias into the testing (‘Oh, I really want to eat this and want the test to be strong’ or ‘I know I’m allergic to gluten so this bread is bound to be weak’). Keep your focus on your breath and your centre of gravity as you allow your energy fields to interact with the energy field of the food.
Observe which way your body moves. A forward sway (towards the food) means the food is beneficial for you. A backwards sway (away from the food) means the food is detrimental for you No sway (no movement) means the food is neutral for you.
To watch a video of me demonstrating the sway test, you can click here
As mentioned earlier, this technique can take practice to learn how to deeply listen to the communication from your energy system. There will be some of you who do it and from the first time it is easy and accurate. There are others who may have to practice for a while to feel confident about the results, and there are still others of you for whom this test won’t resonate (don’t worry, you can try the other forms of energy self-testing I link to further up in this article.
With love,