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September 2024 Energy Forecast: A Time of Action and Expansion

Oh yes! Let’s leap forward together. 

This month the cosmic vibration around you and within you resonates with a rich, vibrant energy and shows itself as the colour of spring grass, which is expansive, inspiring and calls you to action.

This green brings an increase in the pace and intensity of how you will be experiencing your day, your life and the world around you, inviting you to move forward with focused intention and courageous warriorship. It will especially affect the energy of your liver, your vagus nerve and your throat chakra inviting you to movement, expression and active engagement in the world around you. Over the past months, you've been absorbing the new vibrational frequencies offered by the silver light of clarity to the rose-gold of deep healing and connection. Now, September ushers in the time to activate these energies fully into your being. You've had the period of stillness and reflection; this month invites you to step forward, bringing your commitment to yourself and what you love doing and being in the world to the fore in your life.

Key themes: 

  • Integration and inspired action

  • Let those old patterns go

  • Radiate your fullness into your world

  • Speak up, step up, bring the balance

  • Be you

Let’s release those old patterns together

What do you need to be able to step forward more fully? 

Where are you hiding your own brilliance? 

What is being held back by old patterns?

This is a great month to turn your conscious attention to the old patterns that you operate within. You know what I mean. Those habits that were formed through experiences in your past that now just keep playing out. Perhaps it is a lethargy or a feeling of being ‘too tired’ to step into more of your life. Perhaps old patterns show up in your relationships, perhaps the old pattern of ‘not being enough’. You can think of all of those (and every other old and limiting habit) as stuck energy patterns. Stuck. Outdated. No longer useful to you in any way. 

This grass green vibration helps you bring a different level of consciousness to them so you are able to explore your old and limiting patterns intentionally. You are a different vibration now. The old patterns no longer have any rootedness unless you hold it there with your thought patterns and your own intentions.  Now is time to explore and expand so they no longer limit you. 


In my live session on September 3rd, I’ll be deep-diving into ways you can really use this September energy to heal those old and limiting patterns. I hope you can join me there. We’ll be gathering on the new moon energy and wow, what a moon energy it will be this September as we move towards Equinox, harvest time and the height of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Equinox, seed time and the height of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The partial lunar eclipse during the Full Moon of the 18th also brings the energetic potential to shift those old ways of being. You are being supported every step of the way. 

You are a radiant soul

What support do you need to dance your soul path forward? 

How do you effortlessly, truly, deeply radiate your magnificent soul energy into the world? 

What does that even mean to you? 

In my book Your Radiant Soul; Understand your energy to transform your world, I wrote a chapter called Living your big life.

It starts like this: Everything about your energy fields serve you in your journey of becoming; they are your fields of consciousness and carry connectiveness at every level. Your energy fields enable you to live every step of your life and when you understand how to support them to evolve in balance, you get to choose whether you live your big life or your small life, and to truly choose to release your fullness, rather than to continually hit obstacles or roadblocks on your path of becoming YOU.

You have a birthright to feel like you are living the life that you came here to live. Your birth was not an accident or a cosmic hiccup. It isn’t the case that you simply plopped out into the earth one day and that one day you’ll die, with no effect on the Universe. 

You are an essential part of all of creation. You make up part of this vital, creative and empowered web of life, and not just any old part that can be replaced or improved. No one else has quite the same vibration, the same essence, the same dreams, the same body or soul. Your thread in this web of life is exquisitely, uniquely, essentially you. 

Can I say it again? You are essential, exactly as you are, with all of your fears and pains and with all of your gifts and beauty. You are part of what makes up this beautiful world and in every second of every day and night, you belong. I can’t even write that you have a right to belong, because it is beyond rights, it is a cosmic law. You are part of the Universe, therefore you belong. Simple. Easy. True. 


Can you identify your own magnificence? Can you shine it out into the world? 

This month you get a huge boost in your ability to identify and shine your own magnificence, your own essence into your body, into your life, into your relationships and community, into your world. Feel the green energy of this month supporting you, encouraging you to let your energy, your light, your soul radiance, spread outward. One vibration in this green that is really interesting is that it carries a remnant of the yellow energy from February—a reminder of the seeds that you planted earlier in the year and how they are so ready to come to fruition, encouraging deeper connections with yourself and others. And remember, you not only have a right, but perhaps even a responsibility, to receive the abundance that this month offers. When you are able to open yourself to this nurturing energy it feeds your soul and can sustain your energy as you move towards the winter (Northern Hemisphere) or summer (Southern Hemisphere).

How this energy will affect your body

One place that your body will experience the energy of this month is your throat chakra and the way it is invited to expand so much more. This expansion empowers you to continue to allow grief and any heaviness you've been carrying to lift, making space for new expression and communication. This grass green vibration encourages you to speak your truth, share your wisdom, and engage dynamically with the world around you. For September is a month of action and this brings us to the other area of your body that you’ll notice energetic movement in; your liver. Responsible for moving energy through your entire body system, the liver will be inviting you to step (or leap) into action. You've done the inner work, and now it’s time to manifest those intentions in the outer world. Be dynamic, embody the hope you nurtured during the rose-gold energy of August, and fully step into your bigness. As you move through this month, remember to nourish both your body and soul. Eating well, engaging in self-care, and connecting with your inner purpose are all vital practices to support your potential for balanced expansion this month.

Much love to you, 

Wishing you a MAGNIFICENT September



Join me for my LIVE Energy Forecast session!

I will be live on Tuesday September 3rd at 3:30pm UK time in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, deep-diving into ways you can really use this September energy to heal those old and limiting patterns. (Find your local timing here) The recording will be permanently added to the Energy Forecast Archive within The Gathering Ground.


In my Energy Forecast video this month I share with two practices to release your grief, speak your truth, and activate your vagus nerve.


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