Being in the mystery. Electrical system illumination. Holding the heart.

As we approach the end of the year, I want to take us right back to the overview of 2024 that my guides showed me during the mid-winter solstice last year.
It is my tradition to sit and connect with my guides at that time of year to track the cosmic energy that will be rolling out and impacting us during the upcoming year. I always think of this exploration as stepping over the threshold of the window of the year to bring forward the key energetic themes and insights to help you enhance your ability to understand and align with what is coming up in the next 12 months.
Below is what I wrote. Here are the key understandings for you:
2024 is not going to be an easy year. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be terrible either, but there is still much about our existing mode of being that is inviting collapse. I want you to hold a strong vision of a dragon egg warming in a fire of nurturance and love as you read this energy forecast for 2024. For what is inside the egg, there needs to be heat, there needs to be pressure, there needs to be guardianship for the new strength to emerge. The cracking of the shell of the dragon's egg is noisy, disruptive, and hard work done in uncertainty. But it is also perfect, miraculous, and heralds new life emerging rich with potential and manifest power. That is the vision to hold onto for 2024.
Polarisation continues to gather pace as each of us is pushed to move right into duality in order to move beyond it. Until we have experienced the edge places of this OR that, we can’t understand that the truth of alignment, radiance, and love exists in the AND rather than in the OR. The space between all things is rich and full with potential, with harmony, with interconnectedness. There is no separation, no one way or the other way. All ways hold each other. All paths lead to the same place within the spiral of life. Our quest this year is to actively look for, connect with, and draw from the deep resonant pulse of the cosmos that reminds us in every cell of our being that a different way of experiencing life is our birthright, our normal, our necessity. A way that is so natural to us it calls to us every second of every day and night. This resonant pulse re-connects us, so we can come home to the re-membering of ourselves as radiant souls co-creating every step of our life, and in doing so, taking our rightful place as co-creators of the cosmos.
Digging deep to find the treasure. Put on your brave pants and wrap the cloak of courage tightly around you. Your need for courage is equal to your courage. Let it flow from you. You are beloved. The universe is not out to get you. The lessons that are part of your soul medicine will shine forth this year, in challenge and in ease and you are up to the challenge. Be brave, look for support, and align your own human energy with the cosmic energy of that month and draw on community. Your emergence supports our emergence. Our emergence supports yours.
Holding Hope. Hold your own sweet hope as tenderly as you hold a newborn baby. Meet your hope with the same level of reverence. As an energy in our world, hope is an energy that is getting quieter. The mainstream story of separation, of patriarchal power over others, of fear, hate, conflict and possession is subverting the energy of hope. Many people have forgotten what it truly means, how it truly feels to experience hope. Hope for yourself, and your beloveds. Hope for the planet. Hope for love. Hope for peace. This year, tend to your hope. Seek it. Befriend it and nurture it until you can be the hope for yourself and for all of us. Hope generates hope. And together, as soul guardians of each other and of the world, we can regenerate it.
Finding the sit-spot of your soul. This year, find the sacred sit-spot within your own life. Maybe you are familiar with the concept of a sit-spot in nature. A place where you go each day to simply observe until you can become that place of stillness and connection with the area around you. 2024 deeply supports you finding the sit-spot of your soul. Where can you go (internally as well as externally) to witness your own changing seasons of soul wisdom? Where can you go, internally and externally, to nurture the wellspring of radiant hope that is ever present in your energy? Find it, connect with others there, and once you have found it then can you commit to it? The 2024 cosmic energy offers a level of collective consciousness beyond duality, filled with empowered hope. What do you need to create in your life to let that energy in?
Sacred midwifing of the world. The foundations of our global human society are crumbling and being rebuilt; simultaneously. Each of us has a sacred role as the midwives to our new world. It is a radical revolution, vast in its potential and already in process. This year we are invited to get really curious about how we honour the death of the old ways, the institutionalised imbalance, and the injustice in the world. How do we bring our own sacred medicine bag to the death bed of what needs to be transitioned in our lives and in our cultures, and work with compassion and tenderness to midwife ourselves and each other? We are living in a time of death, and as such, we are living in a time of birth. This year we bear witness to the dying of an age in all of its bigness, all of its horrors, and all of its magnificence. Tend to your courage, tend to your hope, encourage your radiant soul to shine through your every thought, every word, every act.
Now is the time for sacred witnessing of yourself and all that is to come. Become the soul guardian of the new way of being. Be you.
As I now sit to write the December energy forecast, I feel that all that is most important is already said above. How have these 6 themes shown up in your life this year? Energetically this reflection is essential for carrying the lessons of your own wild wisdom along the bridge of your conscious and your subconscious mind. By taking time to reflect and ponder, think of these themes and how you have been influenced by them and met them allows the integration of this year’s vibration before you move forward into the energy of 2025.
How has this year been for you?
Where have you felt the challenges?
How have you nurtured the birthing of your own deep and wild wisdom?
Where have you had to tend to your courage and how have you done that? Compared to the beginning of the year, are you more connected and plugged into a network of people who support your healing and vision for the future?
How has the tending to your hope gone this year?
Do you feel abundant in your hope, right here, right now?
And how have you been a sacred midwife to the world this year?
There is no answer too big or too small to any of these questions. We get to choose how we are, every moment of every day. Every tiny action creates a vibration in the web of life that leads towards balance and harmony, or away from it.
The cosmic energy of this month invites deep contemplation and sacred connection. It shimmers with a vibration that shows up as an Inky Black colour and holds an energy similar to the vast, shimmering depth of the night sky, alive with constellations.
Key themes within the energy of this December:
Being in the mystery of the unknown
Lunar and stellar energy downloads
Reflection, recharging, integration
Mitochondrial activation
Nervous system illumination
Healing the motherline
It’s a portal into mystery, a call to embrace the unknown, and a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of life. This energy invites you to look inward, reconnect with your soul wisdom, and align with the profound rhythms of existence.
Can you be responsive and not reactive?
Can you hold paradox lightly in your mind as your soul sings your own unique way forward in this world?
The inky black energy carries the potent symbolism of night: dreaming, intuition, and the quiet space where transformation takes root. This is a month for reflection, recharging and integration—a time to turn inward, rest, and align with the cycles of the moon. (This is the same whether you are moving towards the big bright yang energy of the summer solstice, or whether you are moving towards the deep dark yin energy of the winter solstice).
Because of the inky black vibration the moon energy this month will have particular resonance with your human energy field. Think of how easily moon light travels through the dark night sky, that is how the lunar energy will travel through this month. It carries an invitation to pay attention to the full moon and dark moon cycles knowing that the full moon brings illumination and activation into all of your energy fields. The dark moon with its quiet, fertile immensity, invites deep rest, alignment, and restoration. This month is a wonderful one to greet the stars. Step outside on clear nights and allow yourself to be awed by the constellations. Let their light remind you of the vastness of your own potential. This month you’ll also find deep rest and re-sourcing by being with water; whether it’s a shoreline, a lake, or even a small stream. Spend time near water. Its constant motion mirrors the cycles of change within you and around you and can soothe any jangling in your nervous system as this deep December energy enlivens and activates so much.
Can you be the shoreline in your own life? Just as the shoreline holds space for the ocean’s ebb and flow, you are invited to hold strong and safe amid the transitions unfolding at both personal and global levels.
This month’s lunar energy will especially illuminate your mitochondria, those tiny powerhouses in each and every one of your cells. As your mitochondria are only passed down from your maternal line, they hold a sacred connection to your maternal lineage, carrying the energetic signature of your motherline through all time and space into your cells and into your whole-body system. This month offers a profound opportunity to honour and heal aspects of this ancestral thread.
Healing the motherline
Your maternal line is a source of life and wisdom and, as women living through patriarchal times, it can also carry unhealed wounds that show up as ancestral bequests looking for the healing that is so necessary for us all to co-exist together in harmony and peace.
Energetically, this month offers support as you reflect on the gifts and challenges passed down through generations. These may be those in the generations close to your own, or they may be the generations of several hundred, if not thousands of years.
What patterns of thought, behaviour, or emotion have you inherited through your motherline? Which ones serve you, and which are ready to be honoured, healed and released? In the understanding of the ancient Chinese, the month of December is governed by the heart energy, bringing even more power and potential for the healing process through your motherline to be activated. Your heart acts as an energetic bridge between the lunar pull, the deep and wild wisdom of your womb, and the motherline’s legacy. This convergence is a wellspring of the divine feminine, which surges with strength, intuition, and the power of renewal.
A key question to contemplate is: ‘how can you honour the women who came before you while simultaneously stepping into your own empowered expression?’
In a live session in my membership space this month, I’ll be guiding us through a sacred practice to connect with, honour and invite healing into your motherline energy to nurture your health, your vitality, your resilience and your beautiful big wild wisdom. I’m so looking forward to working this way with you as I know that when we work with the personal healing of the motherline, we help activate and enliven it within the collective human field.
Patriarchal values, actions and influences are still devastatingly present in our world, damaging each and everyone of us whether we identify as women, men or neither. I hope you can join me on Monday, Dec 2nd, to bring this sacred work forward into your own life and into our world. As we will be working with ceremony, please bring a candle and a way to light it to this live healing session. Join The Gathering Ground here.
What it means for your body
This month’s inky black cosmic energy will work directly with your neurology, activating pathways that support deep healing and cognitive repatterning. This is partly because of the effect on your heartfield this month, and also the greater absorption of the lunar energy. Your cerebral spinal fluid will be lit up by this increased lunar light creating a greater possibility for your entire nervous system to shimmer slightly differently, to release old patterns and to deeply recharge and repattern your whole body system. In my video this month I guide you through ways that you can enhance balance through your electrical and neurological energy fields. When they are out of balance, you may feel jangled, out of sorts, anxious, vulnerable, and edgy. This month’s video can help you bring deep alignment into your nervous system so you feel more peaceful, resilient and YES even joyful! I recommend that you do the practice I share daily to really help you as you move through the month.
What it means for your mind
Lunar energy illuminates the interplay of shadow and light within your mind. This is a call to examine your thoughts and their alignment with your highest intentions.
Where are you dwelling in fear or self-doubt?
How can you shift your focus to thoughts of healing, love, and possibility?
As Anaïs Nin so eloquently wrote, “We see the world not as it is but as we are.”
This month’s inky black vibration invites you to see yourself—and the world—from a new perspective, one rooted in wholeness and light.
What it means for your soul
The inky black energy invites your soul to expand into its fullest potential. This is a time to dream boldly and to step into your role as a co-creator of a re-imagined world.
Ask yourself:
As a sacred midwife to the world, how can I contribute to the world’s healing and evolution?
What part of my soul’s purpose is ready to awaken this month?
As you contemplate these questions, get curious about how much you can trust the emergent process. Even in the “not knowing,” can you hold onto and recognise that you are exactly where you are meant to be?
As we move through December, use the deep inky and supportive cosmic energy to help you hold your courage and tend to your hope, so you can embrace the mystery and find peace in the unknown. Rest in the inky black energy, honour your motherline, and trust the cycles of life to guide you. Even in the busyness of the festive period I hope that you are able to make time to marvel at the moon, the stars, and the beauty of life.
Above all, remember you are not alone. You are part of a greater cosmic rhythm; one that is calling you to rest, recharge, and rise anew. And millions of us are consciously walking together in empowered hope, compassion and love. With love to you as you embrace all that December brings.
Join me for my LIVE Energy Forecast session!
I will be live on Monday December 2nd at 3:30pm UK time in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, where I’ll be guiding us through a sacred practice to connect with, honour and invite healing into your motherline energy to nurture your health, your vitality, your resilience and your beautiful big wild wisdom.
In my Energy Forecast videos this month I share practices to connect the heart electrical system and the electrical energy in the nervous system.