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Writer's picturePrune Harris

July 2024 Energy Forecast: Interconnective. Empaths. Highly sensitive.

July brings a fascinating cosmic energy. Strong, high and connective. It shows up as a luminous silver, a forerunner of an energetic vibration that will become very familiar to us in the upcoming decades as we continue to emerge together. 

We have all moved through the birthing phase of May and June and now we get to find a different way to interact, a different way to integrate, a different way of emerging.

This month is not a time for passivity. Some months we get a supportive energy that invites us to rest deep within ourselves and the cosmic web but not this month. The silver energy is a catalyst to expand you into greater connection, greater consciousness, greater emergence in being you in all of your fullness. 

“Oh no,” I hear you say, “not more expansion! It's hard work!”

But I don’t think this silver will be difficult for most of us.

If you are feeling particularly attached to your old way of being, it may be hard. If you feel determined to hold tight to your woundings and their consequences, it may be hard. If you feel you have all the answers to what is wrong with other people, other philosophies, other religions, other viewpoints, it will be hard. 

Rigidity will be deeply uncomfortable in this luminous silver energy for it connects across time and space, across national boundaries, across species. In other words it connects you in a way that you haven’t quite experienced before, and at a speed that may create challenges if you hold onto places of rigidity in your thoughts, emotions, actions and life. 

Key questions: 

What is unfurling within and before you? 

What are you aware of that was previously hidden? 

What treasures are you holding within that you are newly witnessing?

Because of this emerging level of interconnectivity you will personally experience connection at a new depth and, (as you are reading this and interested in energy) as I’m quite sure you are already a energetically sensitive person with a deeply empathic energy system, then the big focus for you this month (and continuing as we move forward) is to be able to be an empath/highly sensitive person and still feel grounded, safe, protected and joyful in your everyday. 

How do you contain your own energy in its balance, flow and health while also being deeply connective?


Or, to ask it in a different way, how do you claim your essential and rightful place in the web of life?

As someone with a sensitive energy system the tendency can be to try not to feel as much, to try to protect so you don’t feel continually overwhelmed and bombarded by the energy of others. And to be clear, that can be the energy of places, people, animals, plants, technology, EMFs, lights, noise, ……..(the list could take up this entire page and more). You are energy, the cosmos is energy, everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy. Your emotions are energy. Your relationships are energy. 

EVERYTHING you experience, everything you perceive, everything is energy. 

So you can’t be separate from it. You can’t protect or defend yourself from it. You are a co-creative vibration thrumming your own way through the cosmos connected to everything else. 

Now, before you feel utterly overwhelmed, I want to tell you as someone who is a highly sensitive empath, that it is totally possible to THRIVE as an empath.

I thrive, I LOVE being connected at that vast and cosmic level. It lights me up and helps me sing my soul into the world, as well as deeply grounding me and holding me strong, trusting and safe. And as someone who is sensitive to energy, you don’t have to be overwhelmed or always needing to guard and protect your energy. 

Understanding your energy is so key to being able to hold your own dynamic energetic container so you can be you, joyfully, utterly you, housed in protective connection that helps define you, support you in your life, empowers and informs you in your sweet and wild emergence. 

In my Energy Forecast video this month I share with you a practice to help you (and all empaths). Please do share it with other people who you know are sensitive, connective and feeling the pressure right now.  In the practice we work with the auric membrane and the deep grounding systems so you are able to hold your own in any situation with grace and ease. 

This luminous silver energy brings an invitation for graceful ease, to dance your day forward with humour and a touch of wonder. 

Recently I was shown the viral Youtube video ‘Double rainbow guy’. Have you seen it? It was filmed 14 years ago so you might well have. But for me it was the first time I came across it.  It is of a man, Paul ‘Bear’ Vaquez, seeing a double rainbow and being filled with wonder and awe, marvelling at the mystery of it and opening to the question of what it can possibly mean. There is a hilarity to the experience of watching the video as it seems ‘over the top’ in its childlike wonder. And yet, even while laughing and wiping away the tears, I was touched so deeply by the genuine wonder, the ecstatic experience of witnessing the mystery of life. 

That is the energy of silver. How much wonder can you perceive in the world? This month keep your eyes, heart and arms open to the magic and mystery of your day, your life, your self. 

I’ll be live on July 15th in my membership space this month sharing more about the energetic information housed within the silver vibration and how we are going to be more influenced by it in the upcoming years as it begins to be a defining energy of our times. 

With BIG, WONDROUS AND AWESOME love to you this month (and always)



Join me for my LIVE Energy Forecast session!

I will be live on Monday July 15th at 3:30pm UK time in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, sharing more about the energetic information housed within the silver vibration and how we are going to be more influenced by it in the upcoming years as it begins to be a defining energy of our times. . (Find your local timing here)


In my Energy Forecast video this month I share with you a practice to help empaths. Please do share it with other people who you know are sensitive, connective and feeling the pressure right now.  In the practice we work with the auric membrane and the deep grounding systems so you are able to hold your own in any situation with grace and ease.


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