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Writer's picturePrune Harris

October 2023 Energy Forecast - Ancestral Connection. Healing. Cosmic Support.

Are you ready to receive the healing that you need?

The full moon at the end of September brings a shift from the sunny yellow vibration that we’ve been living in and experiencing this last month, into a deep and rolling energy that shows up as rich magenta, filled with swirling blue and purples too.

This rolling, pulsing energy brings together many of the key themes that have been present throughout 2023 especially those of Conscious Exploration and Sustained Focus. It could be easy to go through this October and not engage with the power and potential in this month’s energy, but to do so you miss the opportunity for the healing and alignment that this magenta energy offers.


  • Soul path alignment

  • Cosmic support for your success

  • Honouring your ancestors

  • Healing the past

As I’ve been sitting watching this energy come closer to our body systems my guides are very present, sharing information about it and so in this blog I am going to give them space to say what is key in their understanding this month. They show me the image of themselves as luminous beings shining their light, their love, their energy into our world. Vast celestial beings who exist in the place that our higher consciousness lives within; that energetic space where all souls meet.

And this is what they wish to say to you...

“How much can you trust that the universe loves and supports you? Do you know that you are held in love, even in those times you feel most lonely or most hurt? You do not suffer uncared for or unattended. We notice, we care, we attend. At this place at the edge of your world (planet) we share our light, our wisdom, our love. Take all you need to join us in this great dance of creation. When you feel hopeless, know that we can hold your hope. When you feel isolated, know that we are with you. When you feel burdened, know that we see your pain and its upcoming transformation. We witness your soul, even as you witness ours, and we love you.”

There is a wonderful Rumi quote that goes, ‘Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour’ and it has come to my mind because this is exactly what the energy of October supports you in.

  • How would your life look without the limitations of fear, of past patterns, of the legacy of trauma?

  • How might your day be different if today you chose to live your life as if everything is rigged in your favour?

  • Are you able to actively embrace that energy this month?

In this month’s video below, I guide you through a practice to ground and empower your healing and alignment. I suggest that you do this practice at least once a week as you move through October to align your energy and support your own precious connection with yourself and the deeply supportive energy around you. It is a beautiful way to activate your healing and radiance so that you are more connected to your core of courage, wisdom and joy.

This month encourages you to step into the active co-creation of your life, connecting with the entirety of your energy field, your whole-body system in all of its potential and power.

This is because this October’s magenta energy offers a rich and gentle meeting point between the healing energy of the past, the present and the future.


We will use this gentle meeting point to honour your ancestral energy field in a very special live session in my membership space, The Gathering Ground on 12th October. I hope you are able to join me to activate healing within your ancestral energy field, and in doing so bring greater healing to your ancestors and descendants.


Your ancestral energy field is hardwired through every part of your physicality from deep within your DNA as well as through your subtle energy systems. It is always present and as tangible as the shape of your eyes, the tone of your skin, the colour of your hair, the shape of your face, or any of the other ways that your body reminds you of your parents or other family members. We live in a culture that is now mostly removed from the conscious, simple acts of honouring our ancestors, and in doing so of honouring the cycle of birth, life, death, birth.

Because of this, we have lost the easy and everyday skills of the daily sacred and of honouring our own ancestral energy field to ensure it is as healed and life-affirming as it can be, for it shows up in huge strengths at times in your day or life, and also with big challenges or needs at other times in your day or life. Knowing how to nurture your ancestral energy field so that you can bring more and more harmony, healing and balance to it is one of the biggest ways you can affect how you live and experience your life.

I so hope you can join me for a special live session on 12th October to activate healing within your ancestral energy field. It takes place at 7pm UK time in my membership space The Gathering Ground.

With much love, and wishes for a nurturing and joyful October,



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