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Three new courses to deeply connect you with your wisdom, your soul path and your intuition

2022 is the year of Sacred Transmutation and Courageous Warriorship, and this winter I’ve been sitting deeply to explore how I can empower you to align with and step into these massive and expansive themes. 


Because that is what you are here to do.


To courageously transform your outdated patterns and old ways of being and doing that just aren’t working for you, your community, or the world in general. You have the ability to weave your web, to live your life, in an entirely different way. A way that lifts your heart, expands your life, energises your body and brings healing to the world. 


What would it feel like to wake up each morning joyful at being alive and excited to engage with the unknown and welcome wonder of the day? It really is possible, in fact, it is what you are here for. To feel awesome. To feel like you are living every part of your life, every part of your soul, to be fully and vibrantly alive as a creative and essential part of this world.


You have more potential for joy, connectiveness, creativity and wisdom than you can even dream.


Anytime you feel constricted by your own life, by your own thoughts, by your own emotions, by your own broken promises to yourself or others, then you are butting up against an energetic blip, a glitch, an old outdated pattern in your energy field.


And you can change it.


Only you have the potential and ability to transform your life. Are you ready for 2022 to be your year of sacred transmutation and courageous warriorship? 


Great! Then let's move forward on this exciting journey together.

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I have created three stepping stones for you along the path of the year to support and guide you as you courageously transmute old patterns and begin to dance the soul path of your life.

I have designed three new online classes that bring forward the most important understandings of not just my clinical practice but my entire life. 


The first two are shorter classes and designed to empower you to understand how your soul essence can be aligned to more and more fully flow through your life. The third pathway is much deeper, where for 14 weeks I will guide you as you walk the Alchemic Wheel of your life to marry places of polarity and division within you and discover how you can create the energetic bridge to heal gulfs of division between your yin and your yang, your shadow and your light, your soul and your mind, your subconscious and your conscious, your wisdom and your intellect, your being and your doing, your inner and outer worlds.


Unlike any course that I’ve created previously, these three online classes will weave all of my own soul wisdoms and energy understandings in one place. They connect to each other as a series, offering a rich and in-depth exploration of soul discovery and intuition, but can also be taken separately to support your profound (and joyful!) transformation, no matter where you are in your life right now. 


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Class 1

Enliven Your Body, Activate Your Soul
A Vagus Nerve and Vital Vessel Class 

Coming Soon
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Class 2

Access the Guiding Light of Your Soul Path
An Assemblage Point Class 

Coming Soon
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Alchemy of Intuition
Discover Your Inner World of Soul Wisdom to Enhance Your Health and Empower Your Life

Class 3 -October 4th 2022

The sign up window for this course has now closed

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