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Writer's picturePrune Harris

Radiant Resilience! Your Energy Forecast for 2025

Get ready for a year that holds challenge AND

invites your big potential

2025 here we come! Are you ready? 

As I sit here to share the overview of the energy of this year, it occurs to me that the very first energy forecast I shared with you was exactly 5 years ago. 

That feels like something to celebrate. 

And celebration is a great way to begin this year with all of its intensity and all of its promise.

So, here we go.

THANK YOU! I celebrate and honour each of you for being curious, for being the modern-day heroine and hero on the quest of your life.

I celebrate you for caring about how you can align your energy to the cosmic energy of the month and in doing so show up to be more and more you in our quickly changing world. 

I celebrate you for being a bright and compassionate light and am so grateful that we are alive together at this time. 

What a powerful and transformative 5 years they have been for each of us, personally and collectively, and in many many ways the world is quite a different place than it was 5 years ago. We’ve experienced the coronavirus pandemic and all of the fear, suffering and isolation it brought (and whose legacy continues to roll through our collective psyches), the cost of living crisis that is occurring during the same time period that has created more billionaires than ever before, the huge increase in conflict and wars across the world and the corresponding rise in populism and fascism….

In so many ways we are in tight and constraining times. 

And so you and your choices of connection and kindness are more important than ever. 

And THAT is something to celebrate too. 

For those of you who are new to the Energy Forecasts, or who joined us through last year, then let me explain a bit about what they are; 

Every month has its own energy field. Some are gentle, some are fierce, some are easy for the human energy field to resonate with and some push your energy fields to every edge you have. I know you have gone through times in your life when everything seems easy, and you can’t quite put your finger on why. Or times when suddenly you are struggling as challenge after challenge presents itself, and you can’t quite put your finger on why. This unexplainable shift is often due to the energy field that has settled into that month and that is affecting you. 

I’m not talking about the way the month fits into the seasonal or annual energy, although that also exists as a rhythmic and more predictable energy that each month carries. I'm talking about the way in which every moon cycle carries a unique vibration created by the movement of all of the planets within the greater universal energy field that we exist within. So January last year had a very different energy than this January and no doubt that will be very different to January 2026. This unique and specific energy affects you powerfully, every month. 

Each month, I watch this cosmic energy coming into being and settling into the human energy field. It happens at a powerful interface layer in your aura that is known as the Celestial Layer. Once this cosmic energy meets the celestial layer in your aura, it gets brought deep into all of your energy systems and creates either supportive or challenging vibrations for you to work with in your daily life. 

Layers of the Aura by Sandra Bernier for Prune Harris

So each month I share insights about the energy of the month and the main themes that this unique vibration will be bringing forward for our human energy fields at the level of the physical/body, mind/emotions and soul/sacred connection.

I share this information in three ways: 

  1. An in-depth email blog sharing the main themes and how it will show up for your body, your mind and your soul (Free and sent to your inbox at the start of each month - sign up here)

  2. A video on my website and YouTube channel with energy practices that you can do to help align your own individual energy to the cosmic energy so you are able to meet the challenges of the month more easily and the gifts of the month more fully (free on my Youtube channel)

  3. A live session in my membership space to expand on the themes in my email blog and first video, to deep dive into the understandings of the monthly energy forecast and to answer your questions (Monthly membership $19/£16 or Annual membership is $190/£160)

The other way that I work to bring the energy forecasts forward for you is that at the start of each year, I sit and connect with my guides to track the cosmic energy that will be rolling out and impacting us during the upcoming year. I always think of this exploration as stepping over the threshold of the window of the year to bring forward the key energetic themes and insights to help you enhance your ability to understand and align with what is coming up in the next 12 months. 

So as I sat with my guides during the precious and sacred intercalary days between this Midwinter Solstice and January 1st, they showed that there are three main themes of 2025;

  • Holding Hope

  • Sacred Midwifing of the World

  • Radiant Resilience 

The first two are extensions of the energy of 2024 and will continue with us for a while yet. The third theme of Radiant Resilience is an energy shining strong, bright and really beginning to build as we navigate these times, that are uncertain and changing AND full of potential. 

Holding Hope

Hold your own sweet hope as tenderly as you hold a newborn baby. Meet your hope with the same level of reverence. As an energy in our world, hope is an energy that is getting quieter. The mainstream story of separation, of patriarchal power over others, of fear, hate, conflict and possession is subverting the energy of hope. Many people have forgotten what it truly means, how it truly feels to experience hope. Hope for yourself, and your beloveds. Hope for the planet. Hope for love. Hope for peace. 

This year, tend to your hope. Seek it. Befriend it and nurture it until you can be the hope. For yourself and for all of us. Hope generates hope. And together, as soul guardians of each other and of the world, we can regenerate it.

Sacred midwifing of the world 

The foundations of our global human society are crumbling and being rebuilt; simultaneously. Each of us has a sacred role as the midwives to our new world. It is a radical revolution, vast in its potential and already in process. This year we are invited to get really curious about how we honour the death of the old ways, the institutionalised imbalance and the injustice in the world. How do we bring our own sacred medicine bag to the death bed of what needs to be transitioned in our lives and in our cultures, and work with compassion and tenderness to midwife ourselves and each other? 

We are living in a time of death and as such we are living in a time of birth. 

This year we bear witness to the dying of an age in all of its bigness, all of its horrors, and all of its magnificence. Tend to your courage, tend to your hope, encourage your radiant soul to shine through your every thought, every word, every act. Now is the time for sacred witnessing of yourself and all that is to come. Become the soul guardian of the new way of being. Be you.

Radiant Resilience

The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘resilience’ as ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness’. The Cambridge Dictionaries understand it as ‘the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary writes of ‘an ability to recover from, or adjust easily to, misfortune or change.’ 

All of these seem somewhat insufficient or meagre definitions of the resilience necessary in our modern world where difficulties, change and continual readjustment to the shifting local and global situations are an everyday requirement. 

And that is where Radiant Resilience comes in. 

Radiant resilience is a dynamic, fast, living process. It’s the way that your energy field absorbs something – emotion, memory, situation – and flexes to meet and process that new energy, before deciding what to integrate and what to reject.

There are 4 big areas of regular life where your energy systems need to hold resilience:

Busy places: When you are in busy places such as supermarkets, social gatherings, crowds, shopping centres with a lot of energy moving in multiple different ways; lights, noise, electricity and electromagnetic pollution, geopathic stress etc.

People: You may find that when you are with other people your energy dissipates. They may be people you love, you work with or total strangers. 

Health/Immune resilience: You are continually surrounded by pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, and your protective health systems need to be in good resilience so that these are either kept out of your energy and body or they are quickly dealt with by your health system as soon as they show up.

Collective consciousness: This may show up as World Grief or an underlying feeling of fear and anxiety despite the fact that there is nothing in your life that is pointing you towards fear and anxiety. At the moment, the collective consciousness field is asking for an evolutionary leap and so many people are feeling the effect of the out-of-balance manner in which human society is progressing in the mainstream. Your experiencing of these pressures are your wisdom systems calling for your awareness, and yet if you aren’t able to hold your resilience the burden can be overwhelming. But you are not alive right now to be overwhelmed, exhausted, struggling emotionally or physically. You are alive right now to experience your fullest expression, with vitality, purpose and joy in life.  

I’ll be exploring this concept throughout the year as we navigate 2025 together. 

My wish for you is that you meet the diverse energy of each month feeling hopeful, joyful and fully alive, lit with the passion of life and the knowledge that you are an essential part of the great weaving of the world. 

With much love to you at this turning of the year. 



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