Connection Chronicle 75 - Celebrate life

Happy Solstice!
I LOVE the energy of the Summer Solstice, and the way it always offers a stop point in the middle of the year. Your energy always follows where you put your attention and the Midsummer invites us all to put our attention on celebrating life.
Celebrating abundance Celebrating love Celebrating community Celebrating the precious connections in your life.
These connections are the ones you have into your depth, into your longings and your joys, into your dreams, into the deep nourishments that will sustain you through the long days of winter. The precious connections you have with the world around you, the humans, the animals world, the natural world, the stars, moon, sun and planets. The summer solstice invites you to give attention to your connectiveness into the immense web of life that each of us have the mindblowing privilege of belonging to.
This picture is of my breakfast celebration feast this morning, a childhood family favourite of Eggy Poke Poke, which you may know as a soft boiled egg with toast that you dip in! So simple, and yet, it is how I break my fast on any celebration day.
I wish for you today is that you get even just a glimpse of how truly magnificent you are,
With love, Prune
Connection Chronicle 74 - The joy of feeling nourished

Take a minute. Right now. You can even time yourself if you really can only afford one minute in your day.
Use this minute to look around at your internal world and your external world and notice what is actively nourishing you and your soul?
Here I go with my noticing; The heat of the sun The sparrow chatter around me as I write The cup of nettle tea beside me The grass beneath my feet The dry rich earth beneath that grass The clouds The space around me with its warm air and aliveness The sound of a drum talking to the trees Bees loving the flowers Being on sacred retreat with wonderful people
And now it is the end of the one minute of attention and my energy is changed because of it. If you do it you’ll be more grounded, more connected, and more joyous.
With love, Prune
Connection Chronicle 73 - Sacred connection with the land

One of the wonderful things about being on holiday, is being able to deeply engage in creativity. I am so lucky, as I get to be creative in my every day life and my work. And yet there is something different about being with the land and being creative with my hands.
Walking through the fells and valleys here in the Lake District there is the amazing continual bounty of sheep fleece. As I walk I collect the sometimes tiny, and sometimes handful, of fleece offerings and then I get creative with a felting needle.
In honour of the sheep that have given the wool, my first little figure today (as I sat in the sun with the lake and the mountains all around) was Goldilocks the Sheep!!!
The second, as I listened to the Spirit of the lake, was a tiny being in a cradle. It is my habit to make these little land guardians and then offer them back to the land.
At sunset tonight I will place the Being in the Cradle into the lake with prayers of gratitude and blessings to the land.
Goldilocks the Sheep will be left in a place where I hope someone will find her and be charmed by her craziness. Whether that happens or not, she was the work of creative love as I sat in the sun with my daughter in the peace and magnificence of today.
With love to you and your sacred creativity, Prune
Connection Chronicles 72 - The spirit of generosity

Every land, every place has its own unique energy. You may experience this as a feeling, as just a sense of knowing something about that area. You may perceive it as an emotion, or you may identify that the people from that area tend to have specific character traits or ways of being.
Those character traits are formed from the energy of the land they live in, the energy of the land that they’re from.
As you know, I am in the Lake District at the moment with my 18-year-old daughter, we are sharing time together, sharing stories, laughs, and pains, and continuing our now 18 year journey of growing together.
There is one word that for me sums up the energy of the Lake District, and that is ‘generosity’. There is a generousness here that flows through the water, through the trees, through the fells, the rocks, the flowers, and therefore through the very people. As I did my morning meditation I felt these waves of generosity rolling around me and through me and I greeted them.
This spirit of generosity was symbolised strongly as I walked through the village and watched visitors feeding the birds. It wasn’t the generosity of the people that touched me so deeply, but the generosity of a swan that was allowing a woman to stroke its neck and back. The energy of the swan wasn’t interactive, it wasn’t absorbing this affection as a more tame animal absorbs and shares affection with a human. It was simply allowing it. A huge act of generosity on the part of a wild animal.
Anytime we feel touched by the energy of the land, by the energy of place, it invites deeper connection and reflection within ourselves. For me today it raises the question,“How generous are you?” And even more importantly, “How and where can you be even more generous in your daily life?” That will be the question I take with me into the dream time tonight.
Wild blessings, Prune
Connection Chronicles 71 - Growing together

Parenting has to be one of the most rewarding experiences of life, AND one of the most challenging. Having spent two days in a car with my teenage daughter I am in awe of her and her generation. They carry a big burden to solve the current social, environmental, political and financial crises. It was already a big burden before the catalyst of coronavirus and now the next decade or so will help shape far into their future.
The young are inheriting a world whose complexities outstrip anything of the past, and, it seems as parents and careers, our role now is to help provide the care and guardianship each of their bright souls need.
For the modern children of today are different energetically from the past generations (our generations) in so many ways; they are much more empathic, more light-filled, more connected to each other and the different vibrations around them, and their energy systems vibrate quicker than most other generations. This all means that there are fundamental differences in the energy of parents and children and these can present deep challenges. Over the next while I’m going to be sharing more insights about these differences and how to help bridge them.
One of the most precious healers for the modern children is connection to nature. Today we have arrived in the Lake District to share together, grow together and exchange energy with the exquisite energy of water, trees and mountains.
Blessings on your weekend. With love, Prune
Connection Chronicles 70 - What does the moon ask of you?

You may well notice that when the moon is full you feel more, think more, experience more and probably sleep less!
That is all due to the energy of the moon and the way it interacts with your human energy system. I have written previously about exactly what happens in your energy fields so I won’t repeat myself here again, but I do want to look at how the moon affects your soul energy.
When the moon is big, full and luminous it sends more light energy into your entire energy field, especially your energetic core.
This is the energetic structure that houses your deepest essence-energy/soul energy. When it gets supercharged with lunar luminosity it begins to radiate more of your essential energy from your core through every part of your energy system, every part of your physicality and therefore every part of your daily life.
Because of this, full moons are powerful times to listen to what your soul is calling for.
Perhaps you feel more emotional, especially when the moon is a supermoon as it is today. Identify those emotions and listen to them. What are they trying to share with you?
Perhaps you feel restless or you feel an urge to do something specific? What is calling you?
It is a great idea not to let anything pass unnoticed when the moon is big. Take a bit of time to explore, reflect, and get curious about how your magnificent soul is communicating to you in all of your awareness.
For me and my daughter, this May Supermoon has brought the calling of mountain energy, and a deep longing to be in the stability, depth and power of mountains. So tomorrow we head off to the Lake District to honour this calling and meet this longing. I think my hiking boots are as excited as me!!!
With much love to you and your dreams, Prune
Connection Chronicles 69 - My love list

How is Spring moving through you and with you? It is a big month energetically as we breathe in the light and dark of these two super moons. I spent some beautiful time last week in the big moon, the big sun, in woods, stone circles and by rivers. Those are the places I go when I need to deeply recharge my energy system. Since the deep winter I have been thinking much about how to find the easy balance between input and output, or to put it in energy terms, how to empower the sustainable and joyful balance between yin and yang.
And even more importantly; what do we need to change in our individual and collective lives to truly empower it as a societal normal?
Perhaps for you this is an easy no-brainer kind of question and you are awesome at ensuring that you live in a daily ebb and flow of how much you give and how much you receive. But I suspect that most of the time it is a bit more challenging than that!
How would your life be different if you nourished yourself every day? And how would you do it?
Here is a love list of the 5 ways that I nourish myself everyday.
1. Loving my body by eating food that enables every cell to vibrate with vitality 2. Noticing and loving all the magnificent blessings in my day whether they are tiny, silly, huge or magnificent. 3. Taking time for myself as I savour a cup of tea, dreaming, thinking, rolling around inside myself. 4. Stretching, walking and creating the space for my energy to do what it needs to do in balance and health. 5. Laughing…. with my family and friends (human and other). Laughing with myself.
And is it always easy and effortless? No. And those are the days that I actively remember this list and start breathing them into my day. What about you? I’d love to read what nourishes you, as each of us engage in this precious daily dance of life together.
With love, Prune
Connection Chronicles 68 - Spring brings magical gifts

I have just come back from a walk that has reminded me, deep in every cell, system,and thought that magic is a constant in life. As we walked our dogs...yes! Plural! The puppy is now 5 months old and happily running alongside us as we walk to the beach or along the cliff paths.
As we were walking through the hedgerows the abundance of spring gifts surrounded us and wrapped us up; blackthorn in full flowery bloom making the pathways white with petals. These masses of blackthorn hedges will later gift the sloes that I’ll use to make the nurturing sloe gin to be shared in the deep winter.
Vibrant yellow gorse flowers are a constant in Cornwall for most of the year and now is the time I love to nibble them as I walk along. If you are so tempted then do so in moderation as they can be toxic if you eat too many, but I love them for their energy and vibration and the way of feeling the power and energy of the sun melting in my mouth against the bitter coconut-y taste of the flowers. We picked nettles and wild garlic to make some power packed pesto to add to our dinner tonight and a big handful of cleavers to add to the water jug that is always beside me as I work. I’m drinking it as I write this and feeling the richness being absorbed inside me, carried through me and moving through all of my energy systems too.
All of these magical spring gifts hold rich nutrients and benefits for your physical body, but they offer far more than that. They hold the energy of spring. When you bring them into your body, they become the fuel for your cells meaning you are gifted vitality, connection and life-force. AMAZING!
I hope you are able to meet with the magic of Spring this weekend.
With love,
Connection Chronicles 67 - She is the guardian of your soul path

Happy Women’s Day!
As a woman you are amazing. You are powerful. You are magical. And deep in your body there is an energy system that I want to introduce you to, for to me, she is the wise warrior within everyone.
Known in Chinese health philosophy as the Heart Protector or the Circulation Sex system, this energy system has one main reason for being; to protect your heart and soul.
WOW! What a job. Can you imagine what that involves every second of every day and night?
This Heart Protector system is witness and silent supporter to your tears, your laughter, your dreams, and your longings.
She is the guardian of your soul path, and walks beside you every step of the way. She sees your falls and helps you get up to walk again.
She is silent and supportive, or ribald and rambunctious, whatever you need her to be in your depths.
She gives you that clenching of your gut when you are about to speak an untruth.
She holds your heart in her whole system embrace.
And she is always with you. She has been since you were just a few cells in your mum’s womb, and she will be with you accompanying you as you transition through the portal of death.
On this day of celebrating women, celebrate yourself, celebrate your heart and soul and celebrate your amazing warrior embodied in the energy of your Heart Protector. Wrap your hands around your heart space and feel her reaching out to hold your hands, letting you know that she sees you, hears you, and feels you in all of your rich and magnificent authenticity. You are amazing.
To you, and all the women in your life, your ancestry, and your world; thank you for being you.
With love,
Connection Chronicles 66 - Loving your liver means loving yourself

When you are working with transformation of any kind, there is one emotion that is of the greatest importance and will determine almost everything about how you move through that transformation. What is it? You know it already; compassion.
Compassion transforms your energy field the second that you consciously engage with it.
Even thinking about compassion engenders the energy of compassion. You are that connected and that powerful.
Compassion connects you to yourself as well as connecting you to everything else.
Compassion shifts congestion and stuck habits.
Compassion allows your natural joy to find its way through the joy channels in your body.
Compassion nurtures your heart, your soul and your dreams.
Compassion does not judge or criticise, hate or denigrate. Compassion invites balance and healing into all of life, including yours.
Earlier in the week I shared that I have been working closely with balancing and healing some areas of my energy field that needed it, and my first approach when I need to do this is to turn my attention to my liver organ. Liver is the opener of all energetic pathways in the body and holds the secret of infinite compassion. Loving your liver means loving yourself, and that is healing compassion at its best.
Wishing you a compassionate and joyful weekend,
With love,
Connection Chronicles 65 - Your great unfolding

Hi again! I’ve been silent for a couple of weeks as I’ve been deep in conversation with myself. I’d noticed there were a few places in my energy that weren’t moving as they usually do in their health and their balance. Of course, it took pain in my back and neck before I really paid attention to what was going on(!) but once I began to notice then I could explore more deeply what out of balance and how to help nurture it back into balance.
As you well know with your own life, sometimes, it is a quick fix and easy rebalancing and sometimes it is a deeper pattern that is offering itself up for the deep healing, and it is the deep rebalancing that is weaving itself in my own beautiful system. This is where I am at right now, and I love it, it is one of my most beloved places to be within my own energy system. I love the unknown of it, the curiosity about how to honour what needs honouring, how to release what needs to be released, and how to embrace what is calling to be embraced. I love the intricate dance of support and nourishment, giving to myself and receiving that gift, deep into the layer that is calling for balance, healing and expression.
Every person, every energy system, has layers of complexity, layers of gifts and layers of challenges. As you move through your life each layer evolves and reveals its gifts and challenges. Embracing each layer in its fullness is often the work that we are called to do; supporting the great unfolding to bring healing and balancing so each of us can madly truly deeply be ourselves.
Over the next few Connection Chronicles I’m going to be sharing more about this process of connecting into the great unfolding and how to work with it energetically, for the energy of this month makes it the perfect time to support this process.
With big love to you,
Connection Chronicles 64 - Your immense auric web

I have just come back from a beautiful walk. I began to turn my attention to what I wanted to write about in this Chronicle today and as I was pondering, the sun burst through the cloud and my entire aura sucked in the light and solar energy and lit up.
So, hey, here I am writing about your aura!
Your aura is woven together like a beautiful and immense tapestry.
Your physical, electrical and subtle energy creates billions of filaments of energy (think billions of fine, pulsing, silver threads) coming from your body, moving through your skin and weaving all around you to create your own magnificent and unique biofield.
This tightly woven energy field is all about PROTECTION, it acts as your first line of defence from EVERYTHING that is outside of your own energy field and is also all about CONNECTION.
For a moment, think of everything in terms of energy fields. Your friend is an energy field (a really lovely one). Your dog is an energy field (a deeply loyal one). Your garden and all of the plants in it are energy fields. Everything in this web of life has its own energy field and one of the crazy wonderful aspects of understanding this, is understanding where your energy meets the world around you.
Your aura is continually working to connect you to the energy around you that is supportive, nourishing and perfect for your continued growth and evolution along your life path. Your aura can wrap a friend in a perfect hug, connect into a vast forest of trees, reach up for the stars to be blessed by the returning energy from the cosmos.
Remember, you are never alone. You are always connected into this great cosmic web of life, and your aura is one of your most powerful connection points as you experience your unique and precious journey.
With love, Prune
Connection Chronicle 63 - The greatest friendship of your life

Your wild wisdom lives in every cell, every energy system, every part of your being.
You may call it your intuition, or imagination, or perception or emotional intelligence, or you may not call it anything at all.
I’m going to call it your wild wisdom because it is so much bigger than intuition, or imagination, or perception or emotional intelligence or any other boxed in package.
Your wild wisdom is vast, magnificent, wild, magical, and WISE.
It sees straight through deceptions, spin, and weasel words. It laughs at pronouncements, howls at dogma and shudders at dumbed down explanations of ‘how things really are’.
It stalks you as you plod methodically through your day lost somewhere within the functioning of your habitual reactive energy field. It rages every time you say, ‘It is what it is’ with a defeated resignation you call acceptance. It calls, prods, prompts and reminds you, walking alongside your every thought, your every emotion, inviting you to take one tiny step through its gateway.
And then it roars a different song through your dreams, through your creative projects, through your walks in the rain, through your times of passion and rage. It throbs a song of power, of connection, of peace, of joy, of sensuality, of claiming the sheer lusciousness of life. It clamours for your attention, waiting to show you how to be all that it already knows you are, in all of your vast potential. It is your wild wisdom and you are hardwired for it at every point of your energy. It never weakens, it never disappears, it never gives up on you, there is no escaping it, ever.
Which means you have two choices; you either spend a huge amount of energy and effort avoiding it or ignoring it, squishing it down, explaining your actions to it and feeling less. Or you throw open your arms and welcome it in, as the greatest friendship of your life.
Wishing you wild wisdom this weekend,
Connection Chronicles 62 - You are not broken

Whether you look at the statistics for anxiety, depression, self-harm, or suicide every mental health statistic is increasing each year. Every one of those statistics speak to the human story of a person not being able to access their health and their joy. A person not able to experience the empowered beauty of their unique and precious life.Every story is strikingly sad and cries the clarion call for the urgent need for more holism, more compassionate connection and more collective healing within our societies.
Time after time in my clinic I witnessed clients gradually realise that when it came to their own physical health, their own mental health, and their overall vitality and engagement in life, they were powerful.
Really powerful.
In fact, they were the ONLY PERSON in their life who could bring the necessary healing to empower themselves to take the leap forward they were so deeply seeking.
In modern language use around health, it has become increasingly popular to describe the body as either ‘healthy’ or ‘broken’. If ‘broken’, the resultant step is to pick up the phone and make an appointment with a pharmacist or a doctor to get whatever is needed to ‘fix’ you. This ‘something’ is almost always chemical in the form of a medication that will solve your ‘brokenness’.
But the brokenness is not you. The reality is so much more complex and empowering. Whatever is showing up out of balance in your body is a symptom. It is not the cause, and no matter what medication you use for the symptom it is unlikely to ever heal the cause. This is because, if it has got to the point of showing up as a physical symptom, then the root cause is held deep in your energy systems, and it is through healing that imbalance that the symptom can dissolve so you can once again experience your full health and vitality.
You can learn how to understand, interpret and nourish your energy so that in all situations you are resilient, now and always.
With love to you,