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Writer's picturePrune Harris

January 2025 Energy Forecast

Hold fast, rest deep, gather yourself.

Wow. This energy of this month brings 2025 in with quite a level of intensity! 

From just before the new moon in the last few days of the year, the energy changed from December's inky black vibration to that of a soft, glowing orange. If you’ve been out and about in a winter sunrise you’ll know the colour.  And like a winter sunrise, this energy holds an iciness to it, steely, swordlike and penetrating. This is a vibration that many of us may experience as a chill to the bones rather than as a soft orange fire to warm our hands around!  


  • Stillness so deep it can be experienced as stagnation, paralysis, or the feeling that things are so challenging they are unsurmountable. 

  • Fight-flight-freeze activation and parasympathetic nervous system reactivity

  • Hold fast, rest deep, gather yourself

  • Nurture your hope

Remember that every month’s energy field, even those that seem challenging contain information, moving in waves, that interface, connect with and permeate every part of your own human energy field. And in doing so, you and that cosmic energy exchange information. This is really key. You are not a victim to the cosmic energy that you live within, you are a dynamic energy field exchanging information and informing other energy fields. You have choice in every situation, every moment, and this month is going to ask you to engage in making active choices again and again. 

It would be so easy to simply live in reactivity, never having to consider, reflect, or take full responsibility for yourself (in all of your magnificence and all of your smallness, in all of your gifts and all of your challenges, in all of your limitation and all of your potential). To simply say, ‘This is just the way I am’, or ‘It is what it is’, or ‘there is nothing I can do about it’. 

This month each of us are asked to move beyond this place of non-conscious engagement with our lives and the consequences of all of our thoughts, words and actions. We are invited to move beyond our habitual patterns and stories of limitation. 

Can you take responsibility for all that you think, say and do? 

Can you take time, each day, to reflect on how you have lived during the past 24 hours? Have you gone through your day with kindness, integrity and honour? 

What does that even mean to you? 

Has your own energetic vibration/life added to the balance and harmony of the world? 

These are the themes and questions that this orange vibration will bring forward for each of us. 

For your body: Physically, you may well notice that this month’s energy affects your circulatory system and nervous system. Don’t be surprised if you feel stuck, stagnant or congested.

In my January Energy Forecast video I lead you through a simple and powerful practice to help you ground, to increase the vitality and strength of your aura and to bring more flow into your whole-body system.

For your mind: As your nervous system gets squeezed by the intensity of this month, the question of how you most nurture yourself rises in priority. (Although I think perhaps this question should always be top priority). 

What nourishes you most at the moment? 

How could you nurture yourself even more fully?

Perhaps for you, it is having time to yourself, in space and stillness, to ponder, to integrate, to dream or to rest? 

Or perhaps for you it is surrounding yourself with friends you know are guardians of your soul and supporters of your dreams. 

This is the time to weave the life affirming stories close around you, like a cloak of support that you can return to again and again as we move through this year. Whether you are in the middle of Winter or Summer, this is the time to hold fast, rest deep, and gather yourself. 

For your soul: January brings a deep theme forward that will continue though all this year; holding the hope.

Holding Hope

Hold your own sweet hope as tenderly as you hold a newborn baby. Meet your hope with the same level of reverence. As an energy in our world, hope is an energy that is getting quieter. The mainstream story of separation, of patriarchal power over others, of fear, hate, conflict and possession is subverting the energy of hope. Many people have forgotten what it truly means, how it truly feels to experience hope. Hope for yourself, and your beloveds. Hope for the planet. Hope for love. Hope for peace. 

This year, tend to your hope. Seek it. Befriend it and nurture it until you can be the hope. For yourself and for all of us. Hope generates hope. And together, as soul guardians of each other and of the world, we can regenerate it.

I wrote more about the other themes that will show up again and again this year in my blog Radiant Resilience! Your energy forecast for 2025. You can read it here

Something new and exciting about this month: Within the penetrating stillness of this January’s energy there is a profound invitation to connect into the spark of luminous brilliance that exists in every one of your cells, in every part of your template of health, in all of the spaces between your physicality. When I look at you and see these sparks of luminous brilliance flickering, shining and shimmering I have only one name for them; star seeds. 

They are your life sparks, bridging the energetic connection between your body and your soul, your life purpose and your soul path, your mundane life and your magical life. When you feel lit up, impassioned and full of life, these star seeds are vibrating at a speed that literally lights your way, showing you the daily magic of your own life. When you feel stagnant, disheartened or exhausted, these star seeds are still there, still shining, but your energy system is unable to carry that brilliance through all that you are. 

In my membership space this month on January 3rd, I’ll be sharing more information about the star seeds and showing you ways that you can work to enliven their radiance through your whole-body system so that their energy can pour out into your every day and lead you forward.  When they are lit up they empower you to live with an effortless joy, a sense of purpose and deep knowledge that you are not only enough, but that you (yes, you) are utterly essential for the continued emergence of the cosmos. The story of your life on earth is the story of our life on earth, and I am so grateful we are walking together to co-create this emerging story in kindness, compassion and love. 

Much love to you this January and always, 



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