You are a soul activist and you are doing an AWESOME JOB.
This month, right now, take a great big nourishing breath and allow that fresh oxygen to bring a smile to every one of your cells. The cosmic energy this month is gentle and supportive and starts right now.
It has been an intense few months hasn’t it, filled with great potential to emerge through your personal challenges or sticking points, amazing and stretching and big and quite a lot of pretty hard personal work! So I think you are going to love this month as the cosmic energy is going to be easy, restful, and CHEERFUL.
Have you ever thought about that word? Cheer-full. When was the last time you were FULL of cheer? Well the cosmic vibration this month is full of cheer and your ability to connect to that easy and joyful emotion will be expanded during all of August.
Big themes this month
Healing stories
Being brave enough to feel it all
The beauty of a light touch
In a big move away from the purple indigo of July, this month’s energy shows itself as a soft green. There is a lyricism within this soft green that whispers of music, poems, artistry and stories. This colour reminds me of the vibration that is always present in Ireland with its lyricism, mysticism, sacredness, charm and unfailing welcome.
In many ways, if last month was about merging the pathways between polarities, this month is celebrating those pathways, celebrating being-ness, celebrating life, and especially about celebrating your life in context. Your interconnectiveness is literally hardwired into your energy system. There is no possible way, ever, of you not being in connection with everything around you and within you.
I’m wondering how to demonstrate this as I write so let’s use me, right here and now, as an example.
I’m sitting at my desk in my attic, writing. As I look at my own energy field this is what I see:
My computer and my heartfield are in direct connective flow. There is a figure 8 movement between my hard drive and screen and the centre of my chest. It is orange.
The water in my glass is vibrating (pretty wildly actually). I have a herbal remedy in it and the molecules are leaping with life. The yellowy green of the herbal vibration is reaching through the glass and into my own energy field which is absorbing it and merging it through a patch of my aura.
There is a window above me, the light is being absorbed through my seventh, sixth and second chakras. The second chakra is moving this energy into my bones, especially into the bones in my thighs. The light itself moves through different colours as it changes vibration and meets matter. By the time it is in my bones it is a fine silver colour.
My dog, Magic, is lying a metre or so away from me. Her energy field and mine are breathing together, in a continual flow of expansion and contraction. When she dreams and her system quickens, mine slows down to compensate and ground her more deeply.
I have a candle burning on top of my desk. The energy centre above my head, the sun star, is in interplay with the energy of the flame, it is causing certain acupoints on my body to pop and crackle as the resonant fire energy moves through them and out through my skin.
Now, if you could see my desk you would know that those few items I’ve described are just a few of many, and each of them is affecting my energy field. I’m in relationship with each of them. And that’s not even to say what effect my clothes and their colours are having on my energy system, or the way that the music I’m playing is sending graphs of colour through my aura, or… (I’d better stop, but you get the picture!).
Every part of your energy is in relation with everything around you and within you, including your thoughts, your memories, your emotions, the air around you, the weather, the people.
The soft green of this month is all about nurturing those connections.
The one thing this month is not about is being alone. Whatever you have planned during August, open it wide to being with beloveds of all kinds; people, animals, trees, waters, flowers… whoever your beloveds are.
Because everything about your energy system, everything about YOU, is designed to be interconnective. There is a deep supportive beauty in connection between all forms of life, and you already know what lights you up and nurtures every part of your being. For me, woodland and mountains fill me with joy, even thinking of them changes my energy field and fills it with radiance and a joyful longing. For my beautiful husband, water and especially the ocean are the essential supporters of his life force. What is it for you?
And I don’t just mean nature. Who lights you up, unconditionally? Which of your family members, friends, work colleagues make you feel even more you, and connect you to your own joy, to your own sense of beauty. This month, look for them, invite them into your home and your life. Actively connect as the soft green vibration will empower you and your beloveds to take a deeper level of joy into yourself. Those energy lines that nurture you at your depth will open to receive more energy, more joy, more harmony. For there is great wisdom in joy.
This month gives you the gift of nurturing all of those places in your being where you wild wisdom lives. AMAZING! Your wild wisdom grows because of it and then flows through all of your energy fields out of your subconscious, out of your body and into your awareness.
If you doubt me, think of people who you consider wise (and I don’t necessarily mean educated, I mean wise). They are also joyful, for the energy of wisdom creates joy and the energy of joy creates wisdom.
Can you set an intention this month to experience joy? To experience easy joy? Yes you can.
This cosmic vibration of soft green not only invites you to share time with beloveds, it also invites you to share stories. I spent many years working with Elders of the Mi’kmaq First Nation, and it was there I learned the understanding that all story tellers know; that stories have their own spirit, that they are their own energy forms, always complete AND always in emergence.
Stories can be grand and awesome, myths of thousands of years bringing forward archetypal wisdoms and awarenesses. They can awaken in your own cells big and inspiring understandings.
Or stories can be small, little nudges for your spirit and soul, reminders that you too are the storyteller of your own life. Elder Albert Marshall helped me understand that stories are the foundation of all of our relationships, in other words, that in order for us to understand someone or something, we need to either understand or create a story around it.
So what stories have you told yourself today?
If you do a quick replay of some of the thoughts you’ve had since you woke up, what stories do they tell?
‘I’ve got so much to do today. Right, I’ll get it done and then hopefully sleep well and do it all again tomorrow’
‘Today is going to be a great day. Bring it on. I’m ready.’
Or even,
‘I’m amazing. Hi body, you are glorious. I know today is going to be filled with the magic of creation and I am going to be part of that!’
Those three examples are all examples of story, and as the storyteller of your own life, you have HUGE POWER. Grab the opportunity offered to you by the soft green energy of this month to explore the stories that you tell yourself day after day for it gives you the opportunity to weave new story threads through your energy, your day and your life. Share life-affirming stories within your family, your community, and your deep dreamtime. Each time you share a life-affirming story you activate the healing story in others and so that ripple revolution spreads out and your own sweet intentions affect the sweetness of the whole world.
Sometimes it takes courage to explore your own stories, especially the ones that you have on play-repeat in your subconscious.
Remember the 2022 theme of Courageous Warriorship? This month the courage is there in abundance, an easy courage, a joyous courage. Ride those ways to allow yourself to feel deeply, knowing that you are supported as you continue to heal any imbalances and find that easy, joyous flow to your deep life, your big life, your real life.
Physically, this month, there is a lot of space and support for most of your physicality, although there will be a lot of movement in the second chakra and the gut area, so you may well find your digestion is affected. This is mostly due to the potential for ancestral stories to be lit up in your system.
There is so much healing to be brought forward in your ancestral stories, and the soft green energy of this month will encourage that gentle healing. Some of these ancestral stories need healing and releasing, others need to be heard, felt and brought forward for peace. What does your gut tell you about your life? Your gut holds vast memory, of your current life and your ancestral lives. This month offers reconnecting across the ages through joy, innocence, and fierceness.
You are wonderfully primed for a leap of faith, a leap of passion. As always, I have created two videos to help you align your own energy field to connect most easily with the cosmic energy of this month.
In my Energy Forecast video below, I guide you through ways to help invite that easy, joyful cheer into your energy system so that you feel gently held and supported all month.
In my members channel video, I lead you through a way to help resolve, support and heal ancestral patterns that may be showing up in your life. You can discover more by joining me on my membership channel.
A few weeks ago, my wonderful Dad died. It was a joyful and beautiful process supporting him in the final journey of his life. He and I shared a love of a specific poem, and it is so well suited to the fine green vibration of this month that I’m including it here. Bring to mind the soft green energy of this month and read the words, allowing them to move through the space between your cells, between your thoughts, between the items on your to-do list and remind you that space and time are moveable feasts for your soul.
In honour of you living a rich and spacious life.
With love, Prune
Leisure (1911) by W.H. Davies
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?-
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows:
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
I am so happy to let you know about my Energy Forecast membership videos. As well as the regular Energy Forecast video you'll find within these Energy Forecast blogs and on my regular YouTube channel, I am also releasing a second video for my YouTube members that goes deeper into explaining more of the overview and themes of the months and how you can align your own energy to help evolve your health and radiance.
You can join my membership channel by clicking the button below...
Please note, in order to join, you currently need to access YouTube on a laptop or desktop computer, or through the YouTube app on an android device - Youtube apps on iOS (apple) phones and tablets do not feature this join button. Once you’ve joined, you won’t need to go through this step again as you can access your membership videos from android and iOS devices through the YouTube app.