29th March to 10th June 2020
As we are all adjusting to the greatly changed societal situation brought about by this pandemic, I am writing these daily Coronavirus Chronicles to connect us together in hope, courage and maybe even joy! Please share with anyone you feel will be interested in being supported in living their most vibrant life. Yes, vital and joyful even in these challenging times, ESPECIALLY in these challenging times.
Sunday 29th March - You are ready
What a time we are living in! Did you see this coming? Did you feel prepared for all that is being asked of you in this swiftly changing time?
You may be answering NO! NO! And a bit more NO!
But I want to tell you differently. You were prepared. You are prepared.
Every step that you have taken in your life up to this point has prepared you for exactly what we are all experiencing now.
And you are ready.
You are ready to choose not to be overwhelmed with fear. You are ready to choose to hold your strengths close. You are ready to hold strong and look around you, to assess who you can reach out to, who you can connect to, who you can help and be helped by. The energy of this upcoming month is strong. Really strong. As a colour it is a deep, thick black and you have a choice. You can feel crippled before it, overwhelmed and paralysed.
Or you can call on your own strengths and meet it, with your support shields up and your heart smiles shining.
The three themes held within the energy of April are: Body: Holding fast amidst the storm Mind: Rooting down and raising your resilience Spirit: Opening to choice
How are you going to meet this energy? What are you committing to? With love,
Monday 30th March - Shapeshifting fear
Courage is not necessarily a natural way of being. Courage involves meeting fear and choosing to act in a way that moves beyond that fear.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines courage as: The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. Strength in the face of pain or grief.
These are times that call for courage. Personal fear feeds into collective fear. Collective fear feeds into personal fear.
There may be times when you are hit by waves of fear, and waves of uncertainty.
That is OK. In fact, that is totally normal.
And yet, remember, above all things, humans adapt. We are remarkably skilled at adapting, at changing, at shapeshifting to meet new circumstances. Right now, you are shapeshifting. I am shapeshifting. Our society is shapeshifting.
Amidst this change, choose courage and remember there is immense freedom in shifting your shape. You are no longer constrained to old patterns, old habits, old and limiting ways of being.
How will you be changed, in the most magnificent way, when we are all able to resume daily life? What do you look like? At this time of transition, it is essential to vision how you wish to be changed, so your amazing sentient energy fields know how to coalesce in this great shape shifting.
Dream yourself into your new being. Dream our world into its new being. This is the time for courage and dreams. Let’s dream big, together.
With love,
Tuesday 31st March - You were born to make a difference
You are not a victim. Not to a virus, not to your own immune system, not to collective fear.
To imply you are a victim means that you have no choice, and in all situations you have choice.
I know that it doesn’t always feel that way, but in every situation you find yourself within, you are presented with a choice. Not recognising that choice is a choice. Not choosing, is a choice.
Right now, there is so much that you can be doing to choose vitality, to choose health, to choose to embrace the societal changes that the coronavirus pandemic is presenting you with. You were born to make a difference. You were born to be part of this great web of life, and not just any old part, or an indispensable part. You are absolutely vital. You, and your choices, are essential.
Energetically, the lungs relate to inspiration. The very word ‘inspire’ comes from the Latin inspirare ‘to breathe or blow into’. As you draw each breath into your lungs, you draw inspiration deep into your being. But do you?
Do you find our society inspiring? Do you feel inspired by the state of the world, how about our political systems? Do you feel inspired when you think of the environmental issues we face as a global collective? How inspired are you at how we treat the animal world, or how we treat each other as humans?
Right now, the global deaths due to coronavirus stands at just under 40,000 deaths. That is a tragic loss of human life. Last year 800,000 people committed suicide. No, I didn’t get too many ‘0’s in that figure. 800,000 people committed suicide. We are living in a time when it can be challenging to be inspired, to breathe that life force deep into your lungs and feel ‘I am so glad to be alive! I am so deeply delighted to be living at this time of human development’.
And yet, I am deeply inspired by the way that as individuals and as a society so many are reaching across the social distancing, across the self-isolation, across the financial turmoil, to act with inspiration. To inspire others to feel hope, to laugh, to sing together on social media or on balconies, to work in the frontline with courage and honour, to reach out and connect, to take their vital place in the human web of life. Perhaps, as a society, we are not victims of the coronavirus pandemic. Perhaps we are choosing to be inspired, and to be inspirational. Perhaps you are choosing to inspire people in your life, your family, your community, to breathe life into the infinite smile that resides in the heart of every living being.
This photo is of a butterfly that was on a tree in a cafe in Cornwall. It reads, ‘I wish for a happy life for everyone, including me’. THAT, is deeply inspiring to me and to the child who wrote it, I say, 'Thank you for your magnificent wish. I wish that too'.
With love,
Wednesday 1st April - Happy April Fool’s Day!
I love the Fool! I love the Fool who reminds me not to take life too seriously (I can fall into that tendency!), and instead to look for the simple blessings in each moment.
The Fool is someone who trusts, even when others can’t find reason to trust. Someone who steps out each day with a child-like enthusiasm for life, even when others question what enthusiasm could possibly exist in this situation.
The Fool wears their heart on their sleeve, and loves it being there. The Fool laughs, just for joy of feeling the laugh move through the world. The Fool plays every day, for what other reason does life hold than to take part in the fullness of life; in play, in wisdom, in deep, foolish and joyful perfection.
Today let’s celebrate all of the amazing Fools in our lives! Do you have the perfect Fool in your life? Are you the perfect Fool in your own life? Where is the balance of joy? The balance of play? The balance of celebrating you, simply because you exist. Thank you you, thank you Fool. Let’s be Fools together.
With love, Prune the Fool This photo is of the perfect fool in my life, my husband Collin, who is always ready to remind me to laugh, to remind me that life is foolishly sweet, just as it is. This is him deciding to be an elephant meditating in the sun.
With love,
Thursday 2nd April - Your super-charged secret weapon
Do you know you have a secret weapon that you carry around with you every minute of the day and night?
This secret weapon changes the chemicals in your body every time you use it. It floods your hormonal system with the chemistry of balance and harmony. It improves your immune system. It reduces pain. It helps you live longer. It lowers your blood pressure. It lifts your mood.
And. A warning. IT IS SUPER CONTAGIOUS! Your super-charged weapon will activate all other super weapons.
Will you fire up your weapon and use it today? I’m sharing this picture of my super-weapon. Post YOUR SMILE to share yours.
And remember every time you smile, your brain erupts a flood of messages into your body. These messages create endorphins, serotonin, dopamine; all the GREAT stuff you want in your body right now.
Smile your smile bright today. Not only are you positively changing your chemistry and health, you are positively changing the world.
With love,
Friday 3rd April - What happens when you smile
It was SO GREAT to see all of the photos of your super-charged smiles yesterday!
Thank you.
It made me realise that I would love to share with you what happens in your energy fields when you smile. I have been able to see energy since I was born and it is endlessly fascinating to watch the way that the complex, dynamic energy systems that make up YOU, change continually depending on what you are thinking, how you are feeling, and what you are doing.
When you smile a few things happen immediately
If, before your smile, your energy fields were running patterns of fight/flight/freeze (in other words STRESS) these patterns immediately lessen.
A radiant energy begins to spread from deep inside your core. This radiant energy is deeply connective and one of your most powerful healing energies that you have in your body. A small smile (even a fake smile) will begin to invite some movement of this radiant energy from your energetic core. A warm smile helps it spread further, a BIG BEAMER sends this radiant, healing energy literally whizzing through all of your energy systems and physiology. The colours of your aura deepen and brighten. This in turn expands your auric field so that it is both more tightly woven and connective as well as being further from your body. This provides an amazing strong shield of joy for you to be living within.
Enough? I could keep going actually, and add that the energy shifts that happen when you smile also increases your groundedness so electromagnetic energy is able to flow more freely through your body, helping you feel safe, strong and connected.
Smile big today. If you don’t feel like smiling then pick up the phone to someone who always gets you laughing, or put on a funny film, put on your favourite music and dance until you just can’t help smiling. Look through photos that bring you joy. I’m sharing this photo of my wedding day and big beaming smile. Joy is essential at this time, for your physical health, for your mental health, and for the health of your families and society.
With love, Prune
Saturday 4th April - When am I a failure?
There is one very simple answer to this question. Never. You are never a failure. You never fail.
You can mess up.
You can get things wrong.
You can act in a manner less than the manner of your fullness.
But you never fail.
Every step that you take along the journey of your life is a success to be celebrated.
Every breath you take is inspiration, taken in deep and then gifted back into the world.
You are always doing what you can to be all that you are, and those times you realise that you haven’t managed to express your fullest, or to hold your biggest resilience, or to shine your bright smile bright, then know that is because you didn’t have access to that fullest, or biggest or brightest part of yourself.
And you still did what you could do to be all that you are. That is amazing!
Can you think of the last time you sat down and thought, ‘you know what, I'm going to choose to be miserable today’. Or ‘I’m going to choose to be snappy with my partner today, that sounds like fun. I am going to be nasty today’. NO! You have never had that conversation with yourself. If you have been miserable, or snappy or nasty then it was because you were compromised in some way energetically. You might have felt exhausted, threatened, uncomfortable, overly protective. Your subconscious might have been playing out an old energetic pattern that you learned as a child, or from your first lover who messed around with your emotions, or any other limiting pattern held in your subconscious mind. But this is not failing.
Remember, you are always doing what you can do to be all that you are.
The more you give yourself permission to be ‘just’ you, to be who you actually are, in the quietest AND the most rambunctious parts of your deepest self, the more you open to the wild wisdom that lives within you. Your wild wisdom is the light showing you the way in the dark, your wild wisdom is your guide in this strange new world. Your wild wisdom connects your subconscious and your consciousness so that you are able to identify and heal those old patterns of limitation and have more and more choice about how you move through this magnificent world.
And when you greet and embrace your wild wisdom, who has always been your willing companion, the more you realise that we are all going to be OK, even amidst this current storm.
Your wild wisdom reminds you that you are OK. In fact, you are more than OK, you are amazing. You are essential and always, always, enough.
With love to you and your wild wisdom, Prune
Sunday 5th April - For those days you feel overwhelmed.
There are days when you may feel overwhelmed by what is going on in our world right now. You can’t smile your bright smile. You can’t radiate joy or all the other things that I’ve been talking about in these coronavirus chronicles.
You just don’t feel brave today.
And that is fine. That is OK. That is totally normal.It simply means that your courage and your joy are resting.
They haven’t gone forever, they haven’t even gone for long. They have journeyed into your deep cave of transformation to ask the necessary questions and to hear the answers in the magnificence of your soul.
Each of these days helps nurture a deeper courage, an even wiser joy. If you are having a day like that today, rest deep, nurture your body, nurture your soul. Be content to do nothing because you are already doing it all in the depth of your being, and that is enough.
AND! When you have a day like that, know that there are hundreds of thousands of people, maybe MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who ARE having good days. They do feel brave, they do feel radiant, they are feeling joy. And because they feel like that, they hold the space for your gentle and profound transformation. Because they feel like that, you are held in the great web of connectiveness and soon your courage, your radiance and your joy will find its way from the deep cave of transformation inside you, and be spread through your entire body system once more. At that point, you take your place in the great web of life and in doing so support others who, for that day, for that situation, for that time, also need to rest deep inside themselves. You are never alone. It simply isn’t possible.
With love,
Monday 6th April - Calling the wisdom keepers!
If you are reading this it is highly likely that you are a modern wisdom keeper.
Wisdom keepers remind us to weave traditional wisdoms and values into the modern way of living so that as well as thundering forward on the train of progress, we remain grounded and heart-wise in the values of kindness, compassion and courage.
Wisdom keepers have special gifts and abilities and are essential for the continued balanced co-creation of our modern society.
They remind you to dream, to be creative, to dive into the old stories and myths and to see yourself in the journey.
Wisdom keepers remind you to hold your soul closer than you hold your bank balance.
For many of you, one of the first wisdom keepers you would have known would have been a grandparent (or perhaps, if you were really blessed) more than one of your grandparents.
The grand wisdom keeper in my life was my maternal grandfather, Geoffrey Foster, who I just knew as Grandpa. For many reasons, I didn't really know him until I was in my early 20s. During our time together he would share stories, snippets of information, different perspectives than that of a 20 year old (!) and many little sayings that still hold me today, giving courage, nurturing humour and inspiring my heart. Many years after his death, he remains a huge inspiration to me and I feel his supportive presence in my ancestral energy field very often.
I have met hundreds if not thousands of wisdom keepers in my life. People who are inspired to share the wisdom of their souls with others in their life, and who are willing to face and embrace their fears and self-doubts to demonstrate through their thoughts, words and actions the kind of world we are all capable of creating.
Who is the wisdom keeper that inspired you in your young life? Whoever they are, right now, they are feeling grateful that you are carrying on their dream, and carrying on their gentle grace-filled belief that together we can weave the old and the new to create a world of balance, harmony and joy.
With love, and deep thanks to all of you.
Tuesday 7th April - The dance between all things
Today I am dancing in the in-between, and I love it. Many of you know that I had coronavirus 2 weeks ago. It was quite mild for the first week and after a fews days of mild symptoms, I began to recover. Then, quite suddenly, the energy of the virus flared again leaving me experiencing chest pain and exhaustion. The last week has been about me supporting my lungs, nurturing my heart and living in patience and compassion as my amazing body continues to find its way through this situation.
Today I feel the spark of health flickering back in my system. Like a slow, sparkling ripple that is still quite quiet in each of my cells, in each of my organs, but is beginning to move towards vitality once more.
Between your in-breath and your out-breath there is a pause. Between your out-breath and your in-breath there is a pause.
This pause exists in an energetic space I love. I call it the in-between, and energetically, the in-between is anything but empty. It is rich, connective and immense in its potentiality.
Life is full of the in-betweens: The precious time in-between sleep and wakefulness. The magical space in-between you and me right now where these thoughts are being created and shared. The turning of all thought, the dropping of prejudice, the ability to see a new way of being; these all exist in the in-between, for they involve the rich creativity of a new way of seeing, a new way of being. The in-between is the birthplace of all creativity.
As my body moves between illness and health I recognise this space of the in-between and I love it, it is a familiar and wonderful space and always invites me to dance within it; to dream, to fly, to wonder just what an amazing world we are in the middle of creating together. Wishing you a joyful dance in the in-between today,
With love,
Wednesday 8th April - This crisis is not unprecedented
If words have sentience then the word ‘unprecedented’ must be feeling star of the show right now, second only to the word ‘coronavirus’. Nearly every news bulletin, article and blog use the word ‘unprecedented’ and I have used it too over the past few weeks! And yet, it all depends on what kind of time scale we are looking at. This pandemic is certainly unprecedented in living memory.
And yet, our current situation is not unprecedented.
There have been epidemics and pandemics throughout human history with the first scientifically verified epidemic being over 5000 years ago. This great article sums up 20 of the worst epidemics that humans have worked with in history.
This means that although we don’t have living memory of these times in human history, we do have an energetic and genetic memory. Your ancestors experienced epidemics, pandemics, plagues. They lived and died their lives meeting the same challenges that you live and meet everyday, this current situation is no different. The big difference now is our understanding of how epidemics spread and ways to minimise these effects. The wisdom of your ancestors lives strong and deep in every cell of your body. Your ancestral field in your energy field wraps you up with protection, guidance and wisdom. Tap into this wisdom to ask how you can best meet this current situation, in all of its known and well-mapped territories.
One of the ancestors now, Julian of Norwich, was also known as Mother Julian and was a mystic and nun who lived in the 14th century. The author of Revelations of Divine Love, she is honoured as the first woman to write a book in the English language. Julian of Norwich lived through recurrent years of the Black Plague that devastated her home population of Norwich, and yet, she gave us a phrase that has been a grounding and inspirational force through all of the tough times and all of the joyous times in my life; All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.
This profound statement both expands and embraces your energy field, inviting compassion and courage while honouring exactly where you are. I LOVE it.
Do you have a phrase or saying that holds you strong and gives you courage when you are wavering?
With love to you and your ancestors, Prune
Thursday 9th April - The crocus is not fearful
I’m from a county where we hardly ever get any snow. I saw snow twice when I was a child, so it wasn’t until I was an adult living in Canada for my first winter that I experienced ‘real’ snow. I loved it. The deep quiet and Sacred Silence that comes when the earth is blanketed was a beautiful revelation to me.
However, the single most astonishing fact to penetrate my soul was revealed when the snow left in spring.
For there, beneath my window, were beautiful purple crocus flowers. Not in bud, but flowering, unfurled, open, boldly showing up. Underneath the immense weight and depth of a winter of snow, this tiny plant had pushed its stem up, pushed its flower bud up and burst into flower.
Since that point, crocuses have been the symbol of spring for me. Not just because they are often one of the first flowers that raise their heads, but because they represent the immense life force that exists in all living things.
If I was under three foot of snow I think I might stay pretty still, I might keep resting and continue to hibernate. But not the crocus. It is ready. It has its time and it knows, whatever weather is going up ‘up there’, it is bursting forth. It isn’t fearful or limited by something like a huge blanket of snow!!!!
Right now, you are the crocus. There is a blanket of fear, a weight of worry sitting heavy in the human world. Yet, this spring, every one of you is the crocus, filled with life force, filled with beauty, filled with the quiet bold determination to continue growing and to continue living. Today, lift your face towards the sun and bask in the joy of the knowledge that all over the world there are millions of us smiling, growing and choosing to experience the joy of being alive.
With love,
Friday 10th April - The energy of your soul
Have you ever wondered what your soul looks like? Or where it lives, or how it is attached to you, or just what a ‘soul’ is?
I am no theologian or philosopher, but I do know energy. It is my language and I’ve been able to see the human energy system from birth. Since I was tiny, the one system that was always the most apparent to me (way before I understood about meridians, chakras, dantiens or the components of the biofield) was the energy of the soul.
Mostly this energy is so apparent as it is the brightest, the lightest, the BIGGEST vibration and also totally inseparable from your physicality. It shines through every other energy system within and around you, and I want to say right here and now, I have never seen a soul energy that is ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ or even corrupted in any way.
Your soul light shines brightly, my soul light shines brightly, every person’s soul light shines brightly. When a baby is born, their soul light is just as strong as an adult’s. Just before someone transitions into death, their soul light is incredibly bright, no matter what kind of life they have led. At the core of everyone is connection, brilliance and cosmic truth. Your soul light shines through your smile, and through your tears. It resides in every cell, every thought, every movement. You are your soul.
Tomorrow I’m going to share some thoughts on how different people have different soul colours. So, for now, as you hold your own soul close and precious, if you could think of its vibration in terms of a specific colour or colours, what vibrational colour is YOUR soul? First thoughts are nearly always right, second guessing is overthinking and usually inaccurate. I look forward to reading what you write.
With love, Prune
Saturday 11th April - The colour of your soul
Deep in the centre of your energy system and your body system you have your energetic core.
This core can be described energetically as a superhighway of light filaments, flowing from below your feet to above your head while simultaneously flowing from above your head to below your feet. This is the fascinating interface between cosmic energy (we are cosmic beings living within the universe) AND your deepest, most essential personal energy.
This is where the cosmic or universal soul and the personal soul meet and communicate, and it is from here that your soul energy emanates from within you as it radiates through every one of your cells, through your skin and into your unique biofield.
There is nothing electromagnetic about this energy. This is light energy, subtle energy; this is the radiance that you see pour from some people, and hide deep in others. From this core emanates all that is your deepest and most essential energy and its vibration is represented in a colour. Colour is simply a vibration, so the vibration of green is different from the vibration of the blue, and that is why we see them as different colours.
The energy and colour that emanate from your core is your soul colour, or life colour. Every person has a soul colour. This soul colour helps illustrate the strengths and the challenges that you have at your depths. If I was to look at you, I would see many different layers of colours all expressing different emotions, and themes (remember that colours are only vibrations so there is a different vibration for the emotion of love, a different vibration for the emotion of anger, a different vibration when you are feeling happy etc). Your energy fields are deeply affected by thoughts, so the colours will continually change depending on your thoughts. Some of these colours would be moving, swirling, exploding, popping, spinning like a tornado, dispersing like mist. Others may be quite still, showing up a specific theme or a set pattern of emotions. Some of these colours or vibrations of energy, thought and emotion are quite superficial and will spark or whizz across your energy fields quickly, (think a comet); a quick burst of thought emotion. You may experience this as a flash of irritation, a sudden humour, or simply a remembering of part of your shopping list. Other colours are a much more permanent part of your energetic whole. The deepest of these are the soul colour, as that colour begins in the energetic core and then emanates throughout your entire physical, energetic, emotional and cognitional systems. Every cell you have is bathed in your soul colour. Your skin is resonant with your soul colour, and as it continues through the energy field that surrounds your physical body, the soul colour spreads out to the very edge of your aura.
Yesterday, so many of you shared the colour that you feel is your soul colour, I loved reading them and getting a glimpse of your magnificence and uniqueness. As we are all adjusting to the shifts brought about by coronavirus and our societal responses to this crisis, it can be a balm to your whole being to further embrace the colour that thrums from your deepest essence. You can wrap yourself up in it physically by using a scarf/t-shirt/tablecloth that you resonate with, or perhaps simply visualise that colour and breathe it deep into your lungs, inviting that colour to be carried to every cell in your body. No matter what your soul colour, this powerful and nurturing technique activates your soul radiance, to bring calm and joy to your whole body system.
And if you have no clue what colour your soul colour may be then get curious about this idea. In your walking, in your meditation, in the quiet times between wake and sleep, ask yourself the question, ‘If I could see what colour my soul colour is, what would I see?’.
Your WHOLE BODY knows the answer to this question. Every part of your cells, your brain, your mind, your aura knows the answer to this question. Get playful and invite the answer in. It is so essential that your soul is strong, supported and nurtured right now so that you can continue to be the wisdom and joy that you are, for yourself, for your beloveds, for all of us.
Much love,
Sunday 12th April - Birthing pangs
Spring is here with all of the promise of physical and spiritual rejuvenation.
Traditions all over the world have festivals to celebrate birth and rebirth at this magnificent time.
The ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess, Ostara or Eostare, (from whom we get the name ‘Easter’ from) was heralded as the Goddess of the Dawn and had, as her symbols, the Egg and the Hare.
This is why in the modern interpretation of Easter there is a bunny who gifts eggs, something that always confused me as a child for I knew that rabbits give birth to live young, and don’t lay eggs at all!
At dawn this morning, I sat quietly with the ancient ones to reflect upon birth and how, for there to be birth and rebirth, there has to first be a letting go, or a death of an old way of being, an old way of thinking, an old way of doing.
All birth is a rite of passage, the opening to a new potential, and for new ways of being to be born, there has to be the releasing of the old ways, the letting go of limitations, the willingness of sacrifices. In so many ways we are in that powerful transition of birth and death now; we are making sacrifices and enquiring as to what old ways of being need to be let go of so that we can experience the birth of a new way of being. Perhaps where the given foundations of all relationships from the intimate to the global are kindness, community and co-operation rather than protection, self-interest and acquisition.
And no-one ever said that birth was easy! It takes work and commitment, it’s messy and the birthing canal is a tight squeeze; at times the pressure on those being birthed is huge. If you are feeling the pressure of being in the birth canal of transition today, hunker down into wondering and dreaming of what kind of newly birthed way of being you want to create in this beautiful world? In your vision of powerful co-creation what are you dreaming into being?
With love,
Monday 13th April - You affect everything around you
Right now I’m busy putting together videos for a free, nine day course for everyone who would like some energy guidance through this coronavirus situation.
In one email that I am preparing for the course I began to write about how your energy affects everyone else around you, and I realised that this is a great topic to explore here in these Coronavirus Chronicles.
One of the joys of being able to easily watch energy fields is that it becomes immediately apparent that every energy field impacts every other energy field. 400 years ago, poet John Donne wrote ‘No man is an island entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main’. Forgiving him for using the gender specific pronoun ‘man’ when he is referring to all humans, (he is writing 360 years before that level of consciousness appeared in most humans), what he writes is deeply true for the human energy system. As soon as your energy field comes into contact with another energy field it begins to exchange information. Oftentimes, it begins to absorb energy and give energy. This exchange occurs instantaneously and continues for the duration of your proximity.
When you walk down a busy street your energy field will be in exchange with hundreds of other energy fields. One of the fastest moving energies to be transmitted across human energy fields is the radiance of harmony. If you are sitting next to someone on the bus who is radiating health and harmony then by the time you get off the bus your energy field will have created much more cohesion, it will be operating more fluidly, more healthily and with much more ease.
However, there is one emotion that transmits quickest of all, and that is the energy of fear. We are social beings and as we evolved, we became hardwired energetically to notice danger and respond to it in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. If you are feeling fear and you walk into your living room, the energy systems of the people in that room will immediately pick up on it. If I was watching you and the others in the room, it would look like something suddenly hit their energy systems creating a brown ripple of movement. As this ripple moves through their energy fields the aura will tighten and shrink closer to the body, any rich and vibrant colours in their energy fields will lessen, often groundedness will retract, healthy crossover patterns retreat to same-sided patterns of distress, and as all of this is happening the physical body catches up and begins to release stress hormones such as adrenaline through the body. All of this will have happened well before you arrive at your sofa to sit down. We are social beings designed to communicate through our energy fields.
So, a question. Do you want to be conveying fear or anxiety to your family and loved ones? I’m going to take it that your easy answer is ‘No’. Your energy system cannot be experiencing harmony and fear at the same time. The energetic patterns are completely different. The physiology is completely different.
What is vital here is your active choice, and your ability to nurture and support this choice through understanding how to nurture and support your energy.
So today I’m sharing a video with exercises to release fear so that you can be radiating harmony and health through your energy systems, for yourself and for your loved ones.
Much love to you, thank you for stepping up so fully in these uncertain times.
Tuesday 14th April - Listening to your soul
When was the last time you felt fully, vitally alive?
If the answer isn’t, ‘Right now, all day today and every day’, then keep reading, because you have a birth right to experience your life in the richest, fullest way possible.
You have a birth right to feel filled with the ‘yes’, dancing with the potential in every moment. This doesn’t mean that your life will be free from all problems or challenges as it doesn’t quite work like that!
But when problems or challenges come, you’ll be able to meet them and sit with them, and feel into yourself and connect with others, until what seemed like a problem has instead become a deeper understanding of yourself and your world. And you still feel fully, vitally alive.
Your birth wasn’t an accident. At no point did Creation simply hiccup and you occurred. Whatever the physical circumstances of your conception, the energetic and sacred aspect of your conception was perfect. You are meant to be alive right now. You are meant to be born to your parents, in your family, living the childhood that you lived. No matter whether all this was joyful and awesome, or whether it was really wretched, you are gathering to you the exact experiences that you need for your soul to begin to blossom from within you.
For so many of you, you will feel that tingle in your deepest being as you read these words. We all know truth when we hear it or read it. You will know the truth that you are ready to be empowered within your own life; to make the choices that bring your soul needs and desires into the everyday. During this pandemic and its associated social disruption take time to get close to your dreams, even the dreams that you have ignored for so long. Take the time to get close to your deepest needs, your magnificent soul energy that resides in your depths, in your dreams and in all the spaces in between.
With much love,
Wednesday 15th April - Energy connects us all
I have always been able to see energy.
Until my mid 30s I didn’t really realise that perhaps not everyone sees the world as I do.
Although we definitely all have the ability to perceive energy, it just isn’t really supported by our collective worldview so we gradually minimise that natural ability.
All living beings have energy fields. Some are vast and complex, others are more localised and simplistic, but all are connected into a cosmic web of consciousness.
This is a very simple fact for me that I have observed since I was tiny. When I walk in a forest I see the threads of energy connecting everything in that forest; the trees, the leaves, the plants, the animals, the humans. (Yes, it’s ok to think of Keanu Reeves/Neo in the film The Matrix).
Each of us have our own specific energy signature, and that signature, that living energetic force connects into this vast web of energy. We nourish and are nourished by a matrix of energy enfolding not just our human communities, but our entire planet, and of course, this beautiful planet is simply part of a greater web of cosmic connection in her place within the infinite galaxy.
When I sit with a group of people I can see their energy fields moving, swirling, reaching out, reaching in, connecting into each other and into a greater field of consciousness. I can see energy moving from the earth into each person, as well as from the air above and around each person. I can see the steadily expanding and contracting electromagnetic field that emanates from the heart, and the disarray in this electromagnetic field when a person is not connected into and living from their essential self.
You are an amazing, interconnected part of this living planet, and truly taking care of yourself is the first step in truly taking care of your society, and your global home. What are you doing to truly take care of yourself today?
With love,
Thursday 16th April - The daily sacred
Everything that you do in your daily life has meaning and purpose.
Nothing is coincidental in your life, or accidental. If you have done it, today, then that action has meaning.
Your work or job might not have saved the world, but it has helped pay for the life you live. Or perhaps your work is helping save the world? Either way, it has purpose.
The chat you had with your friend had purpose. Perhaps you helped him see something a little more positively, perhaps you helped him laugh when he was having a sad or lonely day. Perhaps in your chat the two of you did nothing but moan in self-perpetuating misery. Either way, that chat had purpose; to either raise the vibration of your shared experience, or to help you both realise that the self-perpetuating misery is not quite where you want to be putting your energy!
It can be so tempting to think of daily life as separate from sacred life, but every life is sacred in every breath, every step, every thought, every action. YOUR life is sacred in every breath, every step, every thought, every action. As we continue to grow together through these coronavirus times, remember your own magnificence, your own reason for being alive, and embrace yourself as an essential part of the daily sacred. There may only be one difference in letter placement to go from scared to sacred, but energetically and emotionally they are opposite sides of the spectrum, which one do you choose to embrace today?
With love,
Friday 17th April - Reconsecrating your day
‘Reconsecration ‘ is a wonderful word that means to ‘make something sacred again’. I want to suggest that each of us reconsecrate our world and our relationship with it.
Yesterday I wrote about the daily sacred, and I want to continue doing so today by thinking about the difference between ‘being’ and ‘doing’. Although they might be slightly different aspects of your life, there is no separation between ‘doing’ and ‘being’.
You cannot do without being, you cannot be without doing, even if what you are doing is simply breathing, digesting, thinking etc.
The more we try to ‘be’ the more we judge the ‘doing’. How about we try to be and do at the same time? How about when you are walking to work, you engage in the sacred of daily life. Or when you are with friends or colleagues you engage in the sacred of daily life?
Let’s think of some of the times you can engage in the daily sacred 1. Waking up 2. Getting out of bed 3. Going to the loo 4. Cleaning your teeth 5. Patting the dog 6. Saying hello to your loved ones (4 legged, 2 legged, plants, stones…. whoever!) 7. Getting breakfast 8. Eating breakfast 9. Washing up after breakfast 10. ……Ok, I think you probably get the message by now. EVERYTHING that you do in your life is the daily sacred. Sacred is a state of mind, a state of being, a state of energy.
If when you are washing up after breakfast you smile to yourself, breathe in some life-giving air and have a thought of the joy that you intend to experience during the day, then washing up after breakfast is the daily sacred.
If when you are saying hello to your loved ones, you greet them as if you love them and are glad to be sharing your life with them, then saying hello to your loved ones is the daily sacred. OK, you say, but what about being on the toilet…. no way can that be sacred. But it so can! How about you sit there and think, ‘fabulous, I get to sit down. Thank you for this time to sit down. Thank you’. Daily sacred.
OR! How about you sit on the toilet and think ‘Wow, my body is totally amazing. It does all this stuff, without me even really knowing how it does it. Wow. You are amazing, body’. Daily sacred.
You can bring greater and greater awareness into your life by bringing the sacred into the daily. And why? Because the daily sacred connects the Internal soul with the Connective soul, and each time you engage in the daily sacred you connect directly with the soul of the world.
And because when you bring the daily sacred into your life, your life is richer, more joyful, more abundant and you will never feel alone again.
Remember, 'sacred' and 'scared' are only one letter movement away, and yet, they are a world apart. When you are skilled at bringing the daily sacred into your life, fear has no place in your life. As you engage more and more with the experience of connection and flow, fear is replaced by trust, acceptance and compassion, and those are ways of being and doing that the world can do with a lot more of!
Much love to you, Prune
Saturday 18th April - Your template of health is perfect
Each person is born with a template of health. And when I say a template of health, I don’t mean a template of ill-health!
Health is vibrant, energised, connective, joyful, abundant, and radiant. At least, that is my definition of health. Every single person has this template in their energy fields. Your body, your energy, your soul KNOWS how to be healthy.
I see this template of health running through the whole body, but in a very specific way. It first shows up at the interface between your energetic core and the rest of your body and from this point, everything that is physical from that point is also coded in this way of health. This template of health is active in the nucleus of the cell, the cell membrane, the organ membranes, the interface points between the different cavities and compartments of the body, the skin and the membrane of the aura.
This all means YOU KNOW how to be healthy. You know how to be vibrant, joyful, expansive, and abundant. This is hardwired into your very physicality, and there is so much that you can do to maintain your health by activating your template of health. That is what energy exercises and techniques can DO for you; activate what your body already knows to bring it back into being.
At this time of coronavirus I have created two FREE courses for you to know which energy exercises are most effective for you to be doing, whether you are maintaining your great health, or recovering from being ill.
I hope you enjoy whichever one suits you best for where you and your health are right now.
With love,
Sunday 19th April - The exquisite beauty of your soul
When I look at the deepest level in the human energy system, it blows me away.
And I don’t quite know if I can do it justice through words. I can describe what the human energetic core looks like, but I don’t think I can express to you its sheer power and beauty, the way in which it has an essential human feel and also a stellar/cosmic energy that runs through it.
Think of the most beautiful thing you have ever seen; perhaps it is your newborn baby, or the most soul-touching sunset, or seeing your beloved after a long time apart. Now, describe what you see in words in a way that actually does it justice. Tricky isn’t it, because mostly what you ‘see’ is the feeling you have when you ‘see’ it. Otherwise you can simply say, ‘I am looking at a baby, with a little snub nose, a squished face, milky eyes, tiny fingers etc etc’. Instead, thinking of my own babies being born, it would be a little more like this. ‘I am looking at perfection, overwhelming, explosive perfection and I don’t know how to feel anything this big. And she is perfect, and she has a nose, and look at those fingers. They are perfect. How can anything be so perfect and tiny, and so huge, and I’m terrified, and she is perfect. And the joy is bigger than this entire hospital, in fact it is bigger than the whole world. And this baby is my baby, and, so perfect.’
Well, writing about the human soul energy is a bit like this, because of course, when that little baby is in your arms for the first time, you ARE meeting their soul and experiencing their soul in its human form and that is why it feels so big and beyond words.
Today is my daughter’s 17th birthday. I still remember that first meeting so clearly. Bring to mind a time when your soul has been deeply touched and hold that feeling close to your heart. Such soul recognition nourishes your health, your body, your emotions, your immune system and your entire life.
With love, Prune
Monday 20th April - Can you commit to your soul
It takes courage to make a commitment to live from the place of your authentic soul.
It takes bravery not to slide into the daily fear and confusion we can see in many of our political and financial institutions. You know there is more to the collective soul that you are currently living; more wisdom, more joy, and more consciousness.
But how can you access it?
You access it by knowing and shining your own soul light so strongly that those who are living from a place of fear, small-mindedness or greed mentality, are shown a different way of being.
When you commit to living from, and nourishing, your authentic soul you kindle the flame of your own light and this empowers you, and by that I mean you live in a place of balanced power.
When you commit to your soul, you become compassionate and strong, joyful and brave in your daily life. And right now, as you are reading this, there are millions of people who have already committed to their individual soul, the collective soul and the world soul.
Each of us who takes this stand begins to create a different level of consciousness, a raising of the collective vibration, and an expansion of greater awareness. We do not need to battle political or financial institutions, we need to inspire them to change, to catch up with the social revolution that is already happening. Thank you for being inspirational. You are changing the world we live in, just by being you in all of your magnificent fullness.
With love,
Tuesday 21st April - Times of immense change
We are living at a time of immense change as much of the old way of being and thinking is called into question. As we face coronavirus together, we are not only in a societal and scientific revolution, but we are also in a spiritual revolution.
Some days, that seems crazy exciting and filled with potential but on other days, this intense debate and questioning can be exhausting and overwhelming.
Or at least until it is easier for each of us to simply focus on this new kind of daily life, taking care of yourselves and looking after the family.
For many people, the great question of ‘what can I do?’ becomes a recognition and acceptance of their own disempowerment, rather than an investigative call for action. Gradually, the overwhelming nature of what we are dealing with encourages us to look smaller and smaller, with our attention being distracted by news, social media and box sets on TV. Even before coronavirus, alcohol use and drug use (prescription/over the counter as well as recreational drugs) is at an all-time high, and each year more people kill themselves in suicide than are killed in all current wars or terrorist acts. We are deeply aware that something has to change. And we are also deeply aware of the urgency of this need.
We have a choice right now.
Can reading this blog end coronavirus or stop climate change? Well, perhaps not, but it can support you in continuing to commit to your soul and expand your consciousness. And ‘you’ isn’t just one person, ‘you’ is many many people. ‘You’ are the consciousness revolution that each of us is waiting for. ‘You’ are huge, ‘You’ are powerful, and ‘You’ have been waiting and building towards this moment for several decades.
How do we change human consciousness? Well, the great news is that we already are. You already are. There are more of us working together to change our world than we possibly realise. And for me, anytime I feel overwhelmed by the current state of the world, I immediately remind myself of the fact that I am doing my bit for social and environmental justice. You are doing your bit for social and environmental justice. Together there are millions of us doing our bit, and that makes me part of an immensely powerful and heart-centred consciousness. And then I don’t feel overwhelmed. I know we will get there.
We are too smart, too creative, too aware not to figure this out. And what holds me in this place of hope is our children. No matter whether you are left wing or right wing, someone with millions in the bank or simply scraping by; you love your children. You don’t want them to inherit a shattered world. And this will drive each of us to wake up, to continue making those changes.
With love,
Wednesday 22nd April - What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?
The last two weeks of lockdown have brought a most exquisite and unexpected pleasure.
I have watched a cherry tree come into blossom day by day, branch by branch, flower by flower.
As I have moved though the 40+ springtimes of my life, I had no awareness of what I was missing each year.
I love nature, and spend a lot of my life in it, but as I watched the cherry tree across the road from my window slowly unfolding before my awed being, I was touched at my core; with gratitude for the gift of time right now that enabled this awareness. With gratitude to the great teachers of stillness, witnessing and wonder.
On this Earth Day, I am so immensely grateful for the beauty of our home. This poem is one of my favourites and a constant reminder to slow down, to be still, to be PART of nature, not just an observer of it, to be PART of the Earth, not just part of the human community. I would love to share it here in these Coronavirus Chronicles today.
Leisure by William Henry Davies What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
With love to each of you, and deep thanks for being part of the great web of life that is home.
Happy Earth Day.
Thursday 23rd April - We got that one really wrong
One of the most damaging myths of our modern culture is the myth of survival of the fittest.
In case you need a recap, it goes like this:
All of life is a competition Only the strong will survive For your survival, someone or something else has to be sacrificed You are on your own
Each of us has grown up believing this to be the basis for our human and natural evolution.
And yet nature doesn’t support this premise as the overall model for evolution. In fact, I think if ‘Nature’ could, she would be groaning a little at just how wrong we got it for the past few hundred years.
Nature co-operates, nature evolves through collective collaboration. Nature looks to balance the whole eco-system so that there is harmony.
Time and time again, nature offers us examples of connection and collaboration; male emperor penguins that huddle together in -20C temperatures to stay alive and keep their eggs warm, continually rotating from the edge of the huddle (cold!) to the centre of the huddle (still cold, but warmer!). This is not survival of the fittest, it is highly coordinated collaboration.
When elephants perceive a threat, the first thing they do is call their babies to them, and then the adults reverse themselves into position to form a circle of protection around those babies. They don’t run off thinking, ‘I’m fit, I’ll survive, and thank goodness the lions can eat some of the weak and young instead’!
Meerkats, wolves, chimpanzees, orcas, the examples of cooperation and collaboration in the natural world are, quite literally, endless. It is even interesting that the very example so often used to support survival of the fittest (lion hunts prey, moves in on herd of wildebeest, wildebeest run, lion gets weaker herd member) doesn’t focus on the fact of the immense cooperation and collaboration of the lionesses!
Animals that work in packs illustrate how nature supports collaboration and co-operation far more than the concept of survival of the fittest individual. Why would we think that human beings are any different?
So how did Darwin get it so wrong? Well, he didn’t. Darwin actually had a far more expansive understanding of the nature of evolution, but it suited the time and place in human history for the mainstream thinkers, scientists, powers-that-be to grab the concept of ‘survival of the fittest’. Remember this is a time in human history when vast nations were engaged in a seismic race to amass continents, riches and power.
‘Survival of the fittest’ simply fit into the thoughts and needs of the time. It helped fuel and justify the mass decimation of indigenous communities, the theft of land from those communities, and supported the ‘natural order of being’ that enabled men, women and nations to perpetuate slavery. It created and supported a ‘them and us’ mentality, and this was an essential worldview for that time and era. But we are quite a long way on from that time and era. Most of us, thankfully, would no longer see conquering empires as bringing forward the kind of collective human evolution that we are ready for.
So here we are, a new era, new consciousness, and a quite desperate need for a new story that moves beyond ‘Survival of the Fittest’. I love the African proverb ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together’. How about that as a contender for our collective story?
I’m looking forward to going far, with you, Prune
Friday 24th April - Opalescent joy
A few days ago I wrote about the fact that each person has their own, amazing, and rich soul colour.
I want to take a moment to share information about a very specific soul colour as there are many young people right now who have an opalescent quality in their soul colour/life colour. This opalescent quality indicates a soul vibration of connective joy and inspiration.
On numerous occasions, I have been in a room with several people and seen one of these children with the opalescent quality to their soul colour walk into the room. Instantaneously, the energy field around all of the other people in the room activates. A gentle joy begins to buzz through their energy fields. And this is irrespective of whether these people have even seen the child, they can have their back to the child and their energy fields will still begin to vibrate with joy. The soul colour of the young person has communicated directly with the energy fields of the other individuals and has initiated a gentle but profound change. And all of this has happened without anyone else in the room knowing about soul colours or opalescence or anything to do with energy fields.
This is who we are. This is who you are; someone who is intricately and intimately connected to all of Creation. Everything, everyone, every thought, every action. You are connected.
Amazing! I suspect from this description you can immediately identify a young person that you suspect has an opalescent quality to their life colour. Be grateful for what they bring to you and to all of creation.
With love, Prune
Saturday 25th April - The Peaceful Pause
In your deepest energy there is immense radiant joy.
Feeling connected, contented and joyful is your natural way of being; it is who you are at your depths.
And yet, you may well find that as you move through your day, your week, even your life, you don’t feel like you are regularly experiencing that deep, radiant joy.
When you are stressed, tired, worried or just too busy playing catch up within the chaos of daily life, your energy systems will be responding to the situation with a series of strategic protective patterns; all of which will move you into a fight, flight freeze reaction.
These protective patterns will have evolved during your childhood stresses, your adolescent stresses so now, whenever you hit stress in your life, your amazing protective systems take over habitually, helping your body create adrenaline and cortisol, and keep you doing exactly what you have always done when you are stressed and to react in exactly the same way as you have always reacted.
Ahhh...Do you notice a flaw here? If you always react the same way, how do you stop getting stressed, worried, fearful or anxious? How do you move away from these stress patterns so you can feel that deep radiant joy moving through all of your day, everyday?
One of the most powerful techniques I can offer is ‘The Peaceful Pause’. It is not possible for your energy system to be operating patterns of stress and of joy at the same time. If you notice that you are stressed, worried, fearful, anxious, angry, just-too-busy, feeling pressure (the list can go here!), pause. Remember that deep in your being is limitless joy, limitless contentment.
Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your abdomen. Pause. Bring to mind something that always makes you smile, something that you associate with deep joy. Pause. Your energy systems will respond by moving into their healthy, connective patterns so that deep joy can flow through you once more.
With love Prune
Sunday 26th April - Only you hold the key
Several years ago now, I was sitting with a First Nations teacher of mine, Elder Albert Marshall from the Mi’kmaq First Nation. We were discussing the urgent need for holistic environmental understanding and I made a comment about the need to ‘save the planet’.
He looked at me, ‘The planet will be just fine,’ he stated, ‘She has been through much before us and much after us. It is the humans that we need to concentrate on’. There is great wisdom in this understanding!
At this point in our human evolution, we are rapidly destroying the very planet that our lives depend on. And not through malicious intent or a desire for self-destruction, but rather through a lack of awareness about how powerful we are to solve the issues that are before us.
From the cellular level to the galactic level, we are interdependent. Each of us is a vital tiny piece of a vast puzzle and only you hold the key to what it means to be you. You, in your fullest and most conscious place of health, vitality and harmony.
Since this coronavirus situation, I’ve been thinking much about the question of our individual and collective responsibilities, as opposed to our individual and collective rights. How do you fit into this immensely complex and wonderful puzzle of human life on earth? What are you doing to step into your unique and essential role?
With love, Prune
Monday 27th April - The pressure is building; there is so much you can do
We are now a few days after the new moon in April, and it remains an intense thick energy that is surrounding us in the cosmic field.
This thick energy is pushing hard in all the human energy systems and it may well be you have felt the intensity of it over the past few days. It is especially affecting the energy systems that I call the Courage system, comprising the heart field, the grounding system and the kidney energy.
One of the ways that you may feel this pressure is that you feel disheartened and low, lacking in courage, energy and joy; that you simply feel flat. Another way this intensity might be pressing on you is that you feel unstable, emotional, moving between calm and chaotic in a manner of minutes. Do either of these ways sound familiar to you?
Your amazing heart system acts as a conductor of the rhythms of your whole body, as well as bringing the needs and wisdoms of your soul forward into your daily life.
In my Energy Forecast for April I shared ways that you can be keeping your courage strong and resilient right now. I think this is as important as ever as we come into these last few intense days. I’m seeing that this field stays present through the end of the month and into next week. If you are feeling the pressure of now, watch the video and do the routine to get your courage up and feel that beautiful space in your day and your life again.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJJaqOjCwoA&t=11s Much love from my heart to yours, Prune
Tuesday 28th April - You hold immense power
Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling vibrant, happy and engaged with life, you never get ill, even if every member of your family are being hit with seasonal colds and flu!
Your energy system protects you and when you are in your vital and harmonious energy, then your physical body will be kept in that very same place.
Now let’s take a different example. Have you ever noticed when you’ve had a headache, you were already feeling stressed or out of sorts beforehand. I doubt you’ve been struck by a headache on the days you felt amazing, vital and vibrant, it just doesn’t work like that. Your energy system was already a bit off and that is why you developed your headache. Your physical body manifests the imbalance in your energy system as physical symptoms.
Everything that you experience in your health and body has already been present in your energy system for a while. And if you have chronic physical conditions such as migraines, IBS, recurring slipped discs, or autoimmune diseases then these energy patterns have been in your system for a long time.
Everything that you experience is already held in your energy patterns, so when you can learn to change those patterns then you can truly and deeply heal your physical body, balance your emotions and change your interaction with your own life.
Your energy is the first place you experience your world. When you wake up and you are feeling a bit vulnerable, that is because a pattern in your protective energy system isn’t quite holding. And if you know how to shift and manage that energy system then you can quite literally change your life and how you experience it. Because you are very, very powerful. You have complete control over your personal world and your worldview. 100%.
How will you change your world today? Much love, Prune
Wednesday 29th April - You feel amazing
How do you feel when your energy is coherent?
That is what you feel like. Whatever your own personal version of amazing is. When your energy systems are in coherence, you can experience joy, stability, mental clarity, easy connection to people, animals and the world around you.
You can keep your balance when someone or something throws a curveball into your day, you can even keep your sense of humour.
You feel expansive and trusting. You feel like you can deeply engage with your own life. You feel like you belong, because you do.
I really, really hope for you that you have experienced times in your life when you felt this way. You have a birthright to feel this balanced, connected and happy. I’m also pretty sure that you will have experienced the opposite of energetic coherence, when you have been crippled with emotion or overwhelm. Maybe you have felt lonely, desperate, angry, depressed, stuck in mind-fog, frightened to take the next step of growth in your life, non-trusting, not safe.
And I know that each of you have felt disconnected from others and disconnected from your own personal power and joy.
Your energy is the bridge between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. By understanding it, and knowing how to balance it, you begin to experience more and more choice about how to respond to anything and everything in your daily life. The more you learn about energy the more you keep your energy systems coherent. And how do you feel when your energy is coherent? Amazing!
With love,
Thursday 30th April - When the heart knows hope
I was born on this day, 47 years ago. As I have gone about my day with my family (2-legged and 4-legged) I have had a lot of time to pause, to enjoy, to reflect (and to eat cake, and laugh, and eat cake, and walk, and EAT CAKE!). Here are my thoughts from the quiet times today.
I have never been as grateful for my life, for my life path, and for those who I share my life with, as I am right now.
Each year brings more and more beauty, or rather, each year I can perceive more and more beauty and feel myself to be part of it.
We live in a stunningly spectacular world. Mind blowing in its complexity. Heartwarming in its simple and continued support. Humans are kind and compassionate, clever and caring. Humans are joyous and loving.
My soul is excited and my heart is full of hope for the future.
We will get creative with solutions to current global challenges, because we care. Because we are kind and compassionate.
Because we all love our children and we care enough about them to get creative, to bring our huge wisdoms to figure out how to live in harmony, all beings, together. I am so grateful and honoured to be alive right now and to be part of this great creative collective.
With love, Prune
Friday 1st May - You are a mind blowing team of a human being!
You might think that you are simply you; 100% human and 100% you. But you aren’t. You are actually something much much cooler than this.
Your body is made of only 30-50% human DNA. No, I’m not suggesting that you are an extra-terrestrial, but a biologist will tell you that you are made of approximately 30 trillion cells, and only 30-50% of them are human mammalian cells!
The rest, over 50% of ‘you’, are bacteria and fungi that are essential for the other 30-40% of you to live in balance.
When you think ‘you’ are digesting your dinner, be aware that that over half of what is at play in the digesting is the bigger you, the collective you, the 30 trillion cells that work together, live together, and plan together.
These 30 trillion cells exist in a symbiotic relationship totally dependent on each other for the whole body system to function in health. I always find this a wow moment, each time I think of it.
I look at my skin and am amazed that what I see is ‘me’, but what I know is that ‘me’ is a collective community made up of lots of different creatures. It is a good job we all get on!!!
And of course, there are times when the community doesn’t get on; like when you have issues with gut health (bacteria/fungi imbalance) or parasites or candida/thrush infections. Those are the times when we are aware that we are actually a colony of different organisms coming together to create one flourishing community.
You are not a single entity. You never can be. With each breath you take and each step you take you are bringing in energies vaster than yourself.
They are deeply connective energies of the air, breathed by countless others, and earth energy, which in turn is part of the living matrix energy of the Cosmos. Our systems are a great web of connectiveness and at the same time, your energy systems are quintessentially yours. They vibrate with your unique patterns, colours, sounds. You are AMAZING.
With love,
Saturday 2nd May - Your heart beats with the song of your soul
You are an essential part of the fabric of this universe.
Nowhere is there a person whose heart beats with the same rhythm as yours. Your heart beats with the song of your soul, and your soul is exquisitely, vitally, yours.
Do you know it? Do you hold it close and nourish it?
Are you the conscious bearer of your soul and your destiny, or are you wandering, living the life that others have determined for you?
If, as you are sitting drinking your cup of tea, or travelling on the underground, or sitting in the pub, or watching the news, you ever wonder, ‘What on earth is happening to this society? What on earth is happening to our planet? What on earth is happening in my own life?”
If you feel disempowered and unable to make a difference in this world, a world in which you are an essential part, then I’m going to say it again; You are an essential part of the fabric of this universe. No-where is there a person whose heart beats with the same rhythm as yours. Your heart beats with the song of your soul, and your soul is exquisitely, vitally, yours.
How are you nourishing your soul today?
With love, Prune
Sunday 3rd May - Do you want to kick something, punch something or cry?
Many of you are experiencing the edge places in yourself right now. Let me say, right up, THAT IS FINE. THAT IS OK. THAT IS NORMAL.
Feeling pissy, getting irritated, getting weepy, kicking a can, punching your pillow, stamping your feet.
In fact, most of it is just long, long, long overdue.
This week we are still in that edgy place of the end of the energy that has been sitting with us all during April. And it is intense, and it is shaking things up, and all sorts of junk will be moving through your energy system.
And this isn't other people's junk so you can't get justified about not looking at it or not processing it, or simply projecting it on other people.
This junk is your own junk, the stories that you haven't listened to close enough, the stories that you couldn't listen to because they hurt too much or were just too confusing. The stories that pushed your buttons and triggered your triggers. The stories that you thought you had dealt with, but now you are figuring out that this last little bit needs dealing with. Or the stories that you have avoided ever since you experienced them.
Well, all of those stories, all of those experiences, all of those energetic imprints and patterns have been squeezed and pressed, pushed and pulled by this April Energy. So no wonder you feel edgy! You have been doing big big work as you have had to respond to all that change in your energy.
You are shedding the skin of all of those limiting stories. Think of it as a really thorough exfoliation of your energy systems!!! No one said it was going to be particularly enjoyable.
But you are still here; even in your irritated, weepy, can-kicking kind of way. You ARE figuring it out. Even if you are a maelstrom of resistance and grumpiness. YOU ARE DOING IT ALL RIGHT.
With love,
Monday 4th May - Erase the full stop. Open the door.
Yesterday so many of you let me know that yes! You are feeling irritated, stressed and more emotional right now.
Perfect! Although not easy, this is just where you need to be to align with the May energy that is settling in around you. As I’m watching this emerald green energy field beginning to settle in, I’ve just filmed the next Energy Forecast video so that you can align your deeper systems to this cosmic energy and find your balance once more.
Irritation, grumpiness, anger, weepiness, they are all doors to deeper understandings. Now, I’m not asking you to go through that door, only you can decide when and if you want to do that, but at least consider holding it open. In my 15+ years in clinical practice I would often hear statements such as:
‘I have been diagnosed with ‘insert specific illness’’. (Full stop. Door closed) Or. 'I had a miserable childhood.’ (Full stop. Door closed) Or ‘Since my divorce I have felt incomplete’. (Full stop. Door closed)
I want to encourage you NEVER to have that full stop at the end of your sentence about you. I want to encourage you NEVER to close the door on a statement, a feeling, a way of being.
Holding the space for your own possibility is the most powerful route for the deep healings that last a lifetime, and maybe beyond!
Imagine if ‘I have been diagnosed with cancer’. (Full stop. Door closed) shape shifts into ‘I have cancer, and who knows what is next’. (Door propped open, even just a bit)
Or. 'I had a miserable childhood and I don’t want my adult life to be like that.’ (Door open).
Or ‘Since my divorce I have felt incomplete and I’m bored sick of feeling like that. I want change’. (DOOR WIDE OPEN)
No matter how you are feeling as you meet this energy around you right now. Erase the full stop in all of your defining stories, in all of your definitive statements. Open the door to your own potential. The universe is looking to support you in all of your unique magnificence. Open the door and let it in. WOW!!!!
With love, Prune
Tuesday 5th May - Your soul knows no fear
Body, mind and soul are not separate.
This is probably not new news for you, the last few decades have brought more and more awareness of this fact with research showing us what the ancients had always known; that we are an intimately connected network of life.
Nothing can happen within our body/mind/soul dynamic without it affecting the other aspects.
You might say, Ah ha! But what about when I get up out of bed and stub my toe on the side of my cupboard. That is just physical. Nothing emotional, cognitional or spiritual about that. But. Why did you stub your toe today instead of all the other hundreds of times that you have walked past that cupboard?
What was out of balance in your overall energy system that prevented you from navigating successfully something that you have navigated past safely before?
I grew up hearing about biorhythms and not really understanding what was being meant by them, but if you stubbed your toe, or fell off the curb, or walked into the doorframe then it was because your ‘bio-rhythms were off’. Perhaps that’s not quite how I’d describe it today, but the general idea is very accurate. All of your energy fields are designed to be healthy, well, organised and fitting together perfectly. We can call all of this ‘coherent’. When your energy fields are coherent then you are able to live your life in balance, internal balance and external balance. And this means that you don’t walk into door frames!
But when you have a lack of coherence somewhere in your energy field, then that is going to throw something out of balance. It might show up emotionally - feeling down/angry/frustrated/sad for no specific reason, physically - illness/ailments/stubbing toe, or spiritually - disconnected from life, lethargic, unsure of purpose, or lacking life passion.
For you to live joyfully and powerfully, you want your energy fields to be coherent. What have you done to support that coherence today?
Much love to you, and your energy fields WHATEVER they look like today! Prune
Wednesday 6th May - Yes. You can
If there was one energetic/emotional and cognitional programme I would like to wave a magic wand over and eradicate forever, it is the crippling programme of low self-worth. And this programme is far reaching, for within it are the programmes of self-doubt and low self-confidence.