On 23rd September this year, we will experience the Autumn Equinox. At 06.50am GMT, the Earth’s central plane (the equator) passes the centre of the sun. At this time the Earth’s axis is not tilted either towards or away from the sun meaning that the length of the day is equal at all points on the Earth’s surface. The days and the nights are also of equal length.
Although the exact point of passing is at 06.50am (UK time) the unique energy of the Equinox time cocoons us for three or four days and happens twice a year in spring and autumn. These equinoxes partner the summer and winter solstices in being points in the cosmological turning of the wheel.
So there is a very special energy building around us and will still be here for these next few days and I wanted to share with you some of the characteristics of this energy.
The most striking difference when we come into the equinox times is that there is a stillness in the energy of the Earth. Like a pause. A time for balance. It hangs in the air and sits on the grass like blanket mist, touching all of the Earth and her inhabitants with a gentle invitation to pause, balance and feel the stillness.
We can choose to work with this pause in different ways. This is the time to honour the fruits of the spring and summer and begin to prepare for the turning inward that occurs during the darker days and longer nights. Perhaps we do more work in our dream times, or find that our mediations have a different quality to them. For many people sitting in stillness at the equinoxes is easier than at other times where there is a more inherent push/pull energy surrounding the Earth. Perhaps this is a time when you are called to reconnect with friends, to celebrate the continued rich harvest of the heart that friends bring to us year in and year out and the fulfilment of the soul that such friends enable.
Have you ever stood in the middle of a see-saw (teeter-totter for those of you in North America), standing with one foot on the left branch of the see-saw, and one on the right? Knowing that you holding the power of balance, movement or stillness in your body and your legs. If you intend your weight and energy through the left leg then that side of the see-saw moves toward the ground. If you intend your weight and energy through the right leg then that side of the see-saw moves to the ground. If you centre your weight and your energy that you remain still, in balance. This is the place that we exist within during the three days of Equinox energy.
For many cultures this Autumn Equinox encourages us to begin to pass within. A little like one part of our being is still in the activity and joy of the shift from summer to autumn, and one part of our being is in the stillness and depths of winter. Gradually we turn our attention away from the external and enter the depths of ourselves. Our intentions can be around gathering understandings about the spring and summer learnings, and taking time to assimilate such understandings so that we might learn the lessons (the easy ones and the challenging ones) of the last six months. You might do this though taking meditative walks through nature, being in silence for several hours, journalling, singing or dancing the shift between movement and stillness.
This is also a great time to connect into the moon. This is because the moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, known as the Harvest Moon, has a very special astrological attribute. For a few days around this Harvest Moon, which occurs just the day before the equinox on 21st September, the timing of the moonrise is different from the rest of the year. Usually, the moon rises 50 minutes later each day. But during the time of the full Harvest Moon, it switches to rising a little under 50 minutes later each day. This aids the feeling of stillness, of potential shift, and readies us for the moment towards winter. Take time to notice the moon rise over these next few days.
You can deeply ground this shift in your own being by working with a powerful energy technique to support the Stellar Diamond energy system, especially at sunrise, sunset or moonrise. This supports your energetic core to keep you expansive and safe as you move through the seasons and grounds you into the cosmic web to ensure your vitality and wisdom. The video below explains more about the stellar diamond energy system and takes you through exercises to help you stay strongly grounded and stabilised this autumn.
You can also watch me talking about the Autumn Equinox in this next video which I filmed last year. It's all about bringing the balance of the Autumn Equinox into your life so you can support yourself, your family and your communities.
And finally, I am getting ready to begin my last fully supported Autumn Energetics programme and I’d love you to join me! I’ll be starting on 9th October, and together we will explore how to use seasonal energy to follow and guide your own energy into places of abundant transformation and wisdom. For a whole month, we’ll be together every day as I offer you daily step by step support, tools, techniques and guidance, plus two live webinars, so you can easily and naturally invite in the potential for transformation at your deepest level of being.
You can sign up here.
With blessings to you at this special time of year, Â